10 Bloody Switch - Sophia & Oliver's POV

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Sophia's POV

I carry the loaded laundry basket to the rack to do this dull chore for Sebastian. I'm not the slightest keen on it, but I feel like I should help out since he is burdened with paperwork from school. I prefer this over anything in the kitchen or hoover because at least the freshly washed clothes have a pleasing scent and do not splash water on you or torment your ears.

''Well done,'' Sebastian praises, coming to inspect my work. ''That was nice of you,'' he lifts me to give me a kiss on my forehead. I giggle a little, blushing. ''Because you helped out with this, we have some extra free time.''

He carries me downstairs to his new library, dimly lit by fairy lights along the wooden bookshelves covering each wall and a small window lamp shaped like a pumpkin. As you can guess, I was the one who put the pumpkin lamp there.

He turns on the reading lamp before reclining in the armchair with me on his lap. A paperback is put on the coffee table in front of us, which he picks up. ''Are you sweet enough to sit here quietly while I read?''

I nod, leaning against him. Earlier, we went on a long dog walk like we have done every Sunday afternoon recently, and that walk sapped the energy I need to bratting now.

''I think you are a little tired,'' he hums, opening the book and leafing to the middle.

I remain quiet, nuzzling against him and letting my eyelids droop. I'm feeling comfy and even a tiny bit autumny - thanks to the pumpkin light and my knitted rust-coloured over-the-knee socks. They were gifted to me by Bella at her mini-party to celebrate making it through a week in isolation alone, her only entertainment being yarn and needles that she smuggled in. Her latest obsession is knitting, and she's remarkably talented at it. Besides my socks, she knitted jumpers for the French Bulldogs and Bailey's Sphynxs, and a matching jumper and socks for herself. She made Ms Bell a pink hat, too, since she accidentally ripped her beret during her childish outbreak. Those two seem to get along well now. Ms Bell isn't the person to hold grudges... except for when it comes to Debbie. I still don't know what happened between those two - it's a strange case.

This entire second-year first week has been fairly strange, but better than the first week of my first year back. That week was fun but frightfully overwhelming. I didn't think I would be where I am right now. I couldn't even imagine relaxing in my nasty stepsister's old room, remade into a cosy vintage library, slumping in Sebastian's lap without feeling any hatred and resentment toward him. I never thought I'd be padded up on top of all that. It's weird, innit? Life, in general, is weird and unpredictable.

But, everything is a lot better now. Not just for me but for Sebastian and many of my mates, too. It truly is...

I eventually regain some energy, and he reads me well.

"Shall we make some dinner and then bathe you?"

"Sounds good enough.''


Oliver's POV

Sunday dinner has reached its peak here at Bailey's Manor. It's only me, Dad and Grandad tonight. Alexander and Zander are at Everly's together with Mother and Father Corbyn. Wesley went to Scotland with his big family to go to some distant aunt's funeral, though he's probably shopping for whisky to bring home to us at the minute. Ladybug and Holling are at their place, and presumably, Ladybug sits on his lap padded up, munching on oven chips in front of the TV. I don't understand it. I don't judge or possess any ill thoughts about them. They're my besties, but it's freaky, and kinda gross, and I can only imagine how taxing it must be for Holling to change and clean her up. I cannot picture that frigid man who always wears a dapper suit doing those dirty duties.

''...What are you thinking about, son?'' Dad prompts.

''Why Holling wants to wipe Ladybug's ass,'' I slip out.

Dad and Grandad send me that look. You know what I mean.

''Forget that I asked,'' Dad sighs shallowly.

''What are you old men thinking about?'' I ask them.

''I can't think about anything else than what you said now,'' Dad mutters, putting his cutlery down to grasp the wine bottle.

Grandad chuckles, gazing out the window ruminatively. The tree right outside has slowly started to change colour on its leaves this past week - almost imperceptibly.

''Anyway, Holling reprimanded me earlier this week because I made a bathroom joke, yet he spends his nights and weekends wiping her ass because he keeps her in diapers.''

''I will reprimand you, too, if you do not stick to decent dinner topics,'' Dad warns with a slightly disgusted grimace.

I chuckle, smiling mischievously. ''I can't stop thinking about it, which bothers me, and who else should I share it with but you two?''

''Ollie, do you happen to know what's been going on between Debbie and Ms Bell and Bella? Bella came by earlier this week because she was in trouble for asking Ms Bell questions regarding Debbie and her,'' Grandad asks with a trace of curiousness.

''The animosity stems from Ms Bell's older sister snitching on Debbie and her friends at school 40 years ago, Zoe getting beaten up by Ms Bell's pupils when she was supposed to watch over them in her class, but she let them go out knowing Zoe was their target, and then there's some dodgy stuff that Bella has babbled about, but I'm unsure if there's any truth in that. Bella had found somewhat X-rated pics of Ms Bell, but I'm not sure if it's her or a lookalike. I've dissuaded Bella from looking further into it because that could get dangerous when you're a daft human vampire and go between two dotty women, but she isn't the best listener,'' I share.

''Do you have any news I can share with George about Alexander and Zander?'' Dad asks.

I drone, reflecting on this past week. ''They slept with each other several times this week, and they, mainly Zander, got in trouble with Michael in the lingerie section a few days ago. They had a bath together last night, which Debbie rebuked them for because they splashed water all over the bathroom and didn't clean up properly, and that scared the hell out of Alexander.''

''I will tell George they're falling in love,'' Dad notes.

''Yeah, and tell him that Alexander owes me 50 quid that he won't pay me for getting me in trouble and not helping me out of it.''

''Is that true, or do you need 50 quid for something special?''

''Yes. And I don't know whose side he's on. He will tease Holling, teach me mischief and encourage me to mess with Holling, promising to get me out of trouble or reimburse me, which hasn't happened yet. And it came to my knowledge that he gifted Holling a damn cane that he keeps locked away in his new library," I complain. ''Bloody switch,'' I tut.

''How have you not learned not to do the mischief he teaches you and accept his challenges yet? It's been going on for 20 years, and you get in trouble 19 of 20 times,'' Dad questions me, unimpressed.

''I want to see him get in trouble like he does every 20th time!'' I exclaim, smirking. ''Remember that time, ages ago, when you snapped at him for tricking me into some devilment? I was sad and anxious, but seeing that was awesome.''

Dad ponders for a moment and chuckles. ''He was a bloody scoundrel that time.''

''Yeah, and I think he's earned himself a new dressing-down,'' I insist.

''I will look into it, but if he challenges you or gives you ideas on how to mess with Holling, tell Holling before you do them.''

''Yeah,'' I breathe out and drink up my wine. ''...Bloody switch, he is.''

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