25 You Are In The Wrong Place - Zander's POV

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I kiss Alexander's smile and scramble off the bed, fumbling to get my fucking pants on. ''I'll get something to eat.''

The kitchen table is surrounded by a group of squawky, giggly women of various ages, one of them being the young woman who let me take coffee from the staff room. I march to the pantry without a word, Mum observing me silently with her mouth full of blueberry cake. I'd like some of that cake, too. But I don't know if I could just seize it off the table and rush back to my bedroom. That might be a bit too unsophisticated even for me.

''Hiya, Zander baby!'' Mum's teasing tone, followed by her girlfriends' giggles, triggers a surge of anger and makes me scrumple the bag of crisps in my hand. ''I looked for the champagne there but didn't find it.''

''What champagne?'' I grumble, yanking the fridge open to pluck out two drinks.

''My birthday champagne.''

''It's not your birthday. Are you becoming senile already?''

''I heard you came in to work earlier and said you were going to ask me what champagne I wanted, and then you asked if you could refill your coffee mug,'' Mum tells me. ''Actually, it was mine.''

''No, that must've been somebody else,'' I lie. I'm not exactly sure why I deny it because it doesn't really matter. I suppose it's just my reflexive reaction to any accusation. ''I've been at school all day, and then I met up with Alexander at the library and went home.''

''My colleague said a lad came in asking for his mum Debbie.''

''Not me. Every other woman is called Debbie,'' I shrug.

''I'm the only Debbie at work.''

''Yeah, right,'' I roll my eyes. ''Why would I visit a bridal boutique? Do I look like a bride?''

''To get free coffee and buns.''

''I got that for free at school this afternoon,'' I say, and this isn't a lie. ''Don't come inside my room unless you want to see two extremely attractive naked men.''

I bound out of the kitchen and back to my room, where I toss the crushed bag of crisps at him and lock my door.

''Are your parents home?''

His switch to a timid demeanour amuses me, and I take the opportunity to climb on top of him while he lies there petrified. ''Mum holds some tipsy bitch group in the kitchen, but don't worry about it.''

''Your place is not on top,'' he points out, pressing himself up on his elbows.

''Are you scared?'' I snicker.

''Nothing about you that scares me.'' He snatches the drink out of my hand, and for a moment, I only stare down at him, gulping my drink.

''You are terrified of my mum. She can't hurt you, but I can."

''Maybe you can, but you'd never do that because deep down you're a devoted little boy,'' he says, more self-assured than he should be, and puts the can in my hand again.

I drink quickly, hoping to stop the blush creeping up because of him. ''...I might call my mum on you.''

He chuckles, indifferent. ''I will tell her and Sebastian about stealing coffee and skiving to come to the library.''

''They somehow already know.''

''Am I picking you up from detention tomorrow afternoon, then?''

''Maybe,'' I drone. ''Can you stay over tonight, though?''

''Don't you want to be left alone with your harmless mum?'' he mocks.

''She's fucking annoying, but she will leave us alone if you stay,'' I snap.

''I will stay in this bed until the morning as I am knackered,'' he lies back and sprawls.

''Yeah, you do that,'' I tilt down to kiss him again.


I frown at my parents and Alexander, greeting them deferentially in the kitchen. ''It's high time for you to find another home.''

''Good morning, my happy baby,'' Mum teases. ''How's the flat-hunting going, Alexander, love?'' She gestures to him to come around the table, pulling out the chair next to her. Alexander's pace becomes hesitant, giving me my first laugh of the day.

''I'm going to check out one flat during my lunch hour and a house this weekend,'' Alexander says. ''It's only a few minutes from the library.''

''If you two plan on moving in together, you can't get a flat,'' Dad says. ''Zander can't live in a flat with people so close. It's just not going to work.''

''You should give the caravan at Bella's a chance,'' Mum suggests in a demanding tone.

''I'm not living in a caravan at a chaotic farm owned by nutters,'' I declare. ''You are out of your mind.''

''Don't say that. It's only Bella who is a pest sometimes,'' Mum claims. ''The rest of the family is lovely.''

''I'm not averse to that idea..."

I'm not sure if Alexander says this because he's a terrified pussy around Mum, or if he's lost his marbles, too.

''...I like the big space of a farm and a bit of chaotic family life.''

''Zander, when you were a little, you raved about moving to a farm with lots of animals after you had been on some day trip to a farm with school,'' Dad says. ''You would always pick the book with farm animals that made noises if you pressed on it during visits. And you told my mate he looked like a goat because of his beard. He thought it was hilarious, and we joked about that for years, and his nickname became the Goat after that,'' he shares, chuckling.

Mum and Alexander giggle like two easily amused schoolchildren while I stare at them. ''Yeah, but all kids say cheeky stuff and like animals.''

''No, some kids are afraid of animals and some torture cats. You were always kind to animals and wanted to play with Alfie's cats.''

''You would find dead birds, run-over frogs and mice that the cats bit, and bring them to Harry to ask him if he could treat them,'' Mum shares.

''That's adorable,'' Alexander coos.

''Yeah, obviously, because I'm a man who respects nature and animals. It's just humans and our made-up stupid rules I don't like,'' I say. ''But it doesn't mean I want to move into a caravan at a shambolic farm.''

''You're gonna heal your inner child if you do,'' Dad insists.

''I don't have an unhealed inner child," I grimace. "What bullshit is that?''

''I've read some books over the years that Alfie gave me."

''Sebastian's and Soph's well-being began to thrive when they moved in together without family,'' Mum says.

''They live in their old family home after their parents or step-parents moved out,'' I emphasise. ''Do you know the weird stuff they do together? No one with a proper well-being does that.''

''Well, they're happy and can do those activities without being disturbed by family,'' Dad argues. ''Or disturb their family.''

''I'd love to check out the caravan,'' Alexander smiles.

''Yes!'' Mum exclaims keenly. ''It's much cheaper than a flat or house, too.''

''The three of you can move into the caravan and let me live here alone,'' I mutter.

2 | Defiance Discipline Dream RepeatWhere stories live. Discover now