58 Two Types of Brats - Sophia's POV

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It's been a week since Bella's cruel punishment. That's what she called it, anyway. It was relatively harsh, but she wasn't crushed by it. She didn't think Sebastian and Debbie were cruel people when she left, either. They kept her for a while to make sure she was okay and all that jazz before they let her home.

At school, she was well-behaved for the first half of the week. She did brag and tease the boys about being able to tolerate that much cruelty and be fine, but not the boys. I don't know. The boys can certainly tolerate more than her, but we let her believe it to make her feel better.

Then, when her body fully recovered, she began to act out some bratty behaviour. Not the fun bratty behaviour - the vexing kind of bratty behaviour. For the most part, the behaviour was aimed at Debbie, but also at us - her mates. She didn't brat at us but tried to persuade us into skiving with her today.

We all stayed at school, and my reason for it is that I'm going away this weekend. Sebastian is taking me to the cabin for the first time, and it'd be a shame if we had to linger at school for two hours or for me to travel for two hours, being sore...

After speeding on the motorway for most of our drive, we are now rolling on a small dirt road, leading us into the woods. No people or other houses are to be seen nearby, nor sounds to be heard.

It's not spooky or scary - it's peaceful.

When we arrive at the cabin, we are far into the thick forest. The dogs awaken, happy and familiar with the destination. Sebastian lets them loose and a silly chase for the colourful, dry leaves gliding over the ground with the mild, evening breeze commences. Leaving the playful dogs outside, we grab our bags, and Sebastian guides me inside the cabin...

The walls are built of timber and the wooden floors are suitable for me to slide on. To the right, there's a small kitchen and to the left an adequate bathroom and another bedroom, which we leave shut after a peep since his friend isn't with us this time. Walking further in, you enter a cosy living room with a fireplace and a moose skull against the end wall. Looking up, you see a loft where Sebastian's bedroom is, which you can reach by climbing the steep ladder in the corner.

''This is cosier than what you make it look like on the Snapchat pics,'' I comment.

''It's even cosier when you light up the fireplace and fairy lights on,'' he says behind me.

In a blink, the light strings weaved into the sides of the ladder and the railing, shine up in the dim living room. I admire the lights, varying in colours and shapes, while he proceeds to start a fire in the fireplace.

I go on a mooch around the cabin to get a bit more familiar with the place, going back in together with the dogs when I hear him call for me.

The fireplace crackles and the sweets that we picked up on the way are dished out in bowls on the wooden living room table. You can open it, which he does, revealing a bunch of books and old DVDs. There are two shelves with more books, games, puzzles and such. There's a rocking chair, laden with stuff in the corner, too.

He reclines on the sofa, gesturing for me to join. The two sofas are vintage, made of light brownish leather and the dogs have snuggled up in the one opposite us.

''So far, it's better than my expectations,'' I remark, pleased. ''Hopefully, your bedroom on the loft won't be a disappointment.''

He chuckles and finishes chewing on his chocolate bar before responding. ''I'm sure you will like it if you like the rest of it.''

We put on a movie that I found intriguing at first, but it turned out to be quite bland; and when I feel like I've eaten more than enough sweets, I feel like I've had enough of the movie, too...

''I don't want to watch this movie anymore,'' I mumble into his chest.

''No? Do you want to pick another one or maybe go to bed early?''

I yawn, ''Can we watch my iPad in bed until I fall asleep?''

''Yes, that sounds very cosy,'' he hums.

I scramble off him and the sofa, scampering to the steep ladder in the corner. I'm so keen on seeing his bedroom as well as snuggling in bed.

The ladder leads to a small open space, which is decorated with a small bookshelf, some soft little lamps and a plastic plant in the corner. There are two doors before me. The first I open leads into the small bathroom. I turn to the other door, leading into Sebastian's bedroom. A double bed stands in the middle and takes up most of the room.

It's super cosy, though.

The timber wall above the bed is steep and the windows have light nets covering them. The floor is made of a grey fluffy carpet that I can't glide on, but bury my feet in.

I dive into the checked bed sheets and smooth blankets, grabbing one of the large flannel pillows to hug. Shortly, Sebastian is here, too, and we set up our movie night in bed and nestle in bed. I'm incredibly content now, and that's something I let him know.

"I'm truly glad you wanted to come along this weekend, and I'm sure we'll have a lovely day tomorrow after a good night's rest,'' he coos into my ear, raking his fingers up my spine.

''Yeah,'' I breathe. ''I'm knackered after the school week.''

"I'll be back in a minute. I'm just going to brush my teeth–"

"Brush your teeth for 2 minutes," I whisper cheekily.

"True. Give me a couple of minutes," he chuckles.

I make an effort to stay awake until he comes back to embrace me in bed. "...Sleep well, little Soph,'' he murmurs right before I drift off to sleep.

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