86 Disobedient M/M - Bella's POV

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There's a bonus chapter right between the previous chapter and this one on Ream if you'd like to read it.


I have completed my first day of school after being suspended for like two tedious months. It went amazing! I stayed on my best behaviour, and reuniting with my mates was so much fun.

To celebrate, I'm drinking hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. Sitting on a haybale to my right, Lucy sips chamomile tea as the nervous wreck she is, and my playful goats are trying to get to our biscuits.

''...If you could simply behave, that would make it a lot easier for me and everybody,'' she mumbles into her tea cup. 

''I will! As I said, I was on my best behaviour at school today, and nobody told me off or anything!'' I tell her, believing in myself.

''Carry on like that,'' she says, a lot less positive about this than me.

''Yes, you need to relax, Lucy love,'' I coo and gulp my last amount of chocolate. ''Do you want to spy on Alex and Zander now?''

''No, and you shouldn't do that. It's not nice, and Zander will be furious when he catches you."

''He won't catch me–''

''You still shouldn't do it!'' she exclaims snappishly. ''You're disrespecting their privacy.''

''I've done it plenty of times without them knowing," I giggle.

''It's still wrong and obnoxious of you. You wouldn't want anyone to spy on you."

''You're being so boring now," I hop down onto the floor to take the lead out of the barn. "Let's go inside!" I shout.

When we come closer to the caravan, I divert. I dash around the corner to the side where their bedroom window is. They keep the curtains closed at all times, but what they don't know; is that there's a tiny gap on the side. You have to stand in a very exact spot to discover it and hold your head at an exact angle to be able to peer through it.

''No, Bella, come back!'' Lucy whispers.

She lingers a couple of metres away from me as I turn back to mouth, ''Nooo,'' before giving all my attention to what goes on behind the bedroom curtains.

Seeing that I caught them at a good time makes me giggle soundlessly. It appears as if Zander has just got out of the shower. His dark hair is all wet and untidy, and he lies face down on a big towel across the bed. Alexander is whipping him with a belt. I can't see Alexander through the gap, only the belt, but I assume it's him. Who else?

I turn to Lucy again, beckoning her to come. ''You don't want to miss this!'' I whisper.

She doesn't move a millimetre closer, instead, she takes a step back and shakes her head. ''You shouldn't be doing this, and you promised you would behave and be good!'' she whispers angrily.

''It's fine, and you're being boring! Don't you want to see Zander naked and hit with a belt?''

''No! Let's go inside before you get caught!'' She frowns and beckons me frantically to come with her, but she isn't the slightest inviting. "And get hit with a belt yourself!"

''Don't be silly, Lucy. Nobody is gonna hit me with a belt,'' I argue nonchalantly and turn around to peek through the gap again. The belting is still going strong, whilst Zander's strength seems to sap. That big, bad boy is squirming like a baby. ''Alexander's arm will be strained after this.''

''I will knock on their door and tell them that you're spying on their private business,'' she threatens, and I shrug. I will just run and hide if she does carry out the threat, which I doubt. ''I will go get your parents if you don't leave them alone now!''

''And what? They will definitely not hit me with a belt.''

''Maybe they should have,'' she mutters.

I twist to grimace at her. ''You sound stupidly cruel like Debbie now. You need to stop listening to that witch.''

''You should listen to me! Since I signed that fucking contract, you are under my authority and must obey me," she declares, articulating the last few words.

''What authority? You're the least authoritative person I know,'' I chuckle.

''I'm going to tell Alex and Zander about this because it's not okay, Bella!''

''I will get you in trouble at work then.'' I tried this threat on Debbie, too, and it didn't work at all, but Lucy is less experienced and not so confident. She's constantly afraid to mess up at her job and get in trouble for it. So she might respond to it better.

''No, you won't! You have made me regret that I signed the contract. You're not being good and obedient like you promised me... " she grouches.

I ignore her persistent fuss as I watch Alexander hit Zander with one last lash before he plonks himself down beside him. Zander rolls onto his side, and Alexander hugs him in, and then they lie there like carcasses for eternity. I can see Alexander's lips move, and I wish I could hear his words instead of Lucy's whinge. I wait for them to do something while she whispers furiously into my left ear, and after a while, I get too bored. Nothing new happens in the lads' bedroom, and Lucy's complaints are about to make my ears bleed.

''They're done now,'' I announce with a sigh...

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