46 Called to the Headteacher's office - Sophia's POV

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We arrive at school at the same time as Oliver, who, unlike him, appears upset. Wesley, dragging his feet alongside his boyfriend, seems exhausted. Usually, you'd get a cheery smile and 'good morning' from him, but this morning, we only get a mumble.

''Sir, can you please believe me for just once? We had a beastly morning at Bailey's manor,'' Oliver pleads. ''Dramatic, really.''

''What happened?'' Sebastian asks in a tone unlike him when it's about Oliver - genuinely concerned.

''Dad was a proper bitch when we strolled into the kitchen, and I quickly understood why as all our coffee and caffeinated drinks were gone, as well as all cigarettes. Literally, the only things we had were the teeny tiny amount of coffee left in my cup from last night that we couldn't drink and one split cig in Wesley's trousers,'' Oliver spouts and yawns. "...We searched the entire kitchen and hall, all our pockets, laundry, bags and the balcony."

''We found multiple dead cockroaches when we ran around like crackheads...'' Wesley mutters on.

While they tell us about their stressful morning, I fish my pack out of my bag to offer them since Sebastian doesn't seem to be that generous, though he's understanding and believes them for once. ''Our fridge was empty this morning, too,'' I say.

''Did you miss any item this morning, too?'' Sebastian speaks up, gaze directed at Zander, coming out of his car with a scowl.

Zander does have a resting bitch face or a chronic psycho stare, but his expression appears extra dark and icy this morning. My guess is that it has something to do with the lack of energy drink in his hand.

''Alex's glasses were gone, but luckily, he had an extra pair. Our shower gel was emptied and smeared all over the mirror, and several of Alex's books were gone,'' Zander grumbles. ''Worst of all, my energy drinks were gone and replaced with dead cockroaches, and the pricks at the shop didn't let me get one because I couldn't pay for it since my wallet is gone, too.''

''I hope a police car won't come here to pick you up,'' Sebastian says.

''No, I left the shop without breaking anything or nicking a drink. I didn't even threaten them, but I might've insulted them and said that I would never come back,'' Zander promises. ''And I think you should praise me for that.''

''Well done, Corbyn, for almost following the law like everybody else must and normally does without question," Sebastian says dryly.

''I'm not like the rest of you, so I deserve a free drink and can break the law if I want to–" Zander snarls back at him.

"Yet you are the only one of us who's been charged with a crime," I mock.

Zander's glare blazes at me, and he mouthes, ''Fuck off,'' to which I smirk. ''...Last night!'' he speaks up; to retake everybody's attention. ''Mum sent me a text asking where the TV cord is and sent pics of the family photos we got on the wall where somebody has stuck ghost stickers on our faces, and also taken their wedding photo.''

''That's creepy and a bit menacing, to be honest,'' Wesley says, and I feel like we all caught that creeped-out feeling from his words.

''It's the little shit Bella!'' Zander groans, gravel spattering on our legs as he kicks the ground. ''Who else would it be? She's targeting her friends.''

''Is she able to do this stuff, though?'' Wesley queries, unconvinced. ''You need to be attentive and deft–"

''Not absentminded and daft,'' Oliver pipes up cheekily.

''If it's her, it'd explain my missing bath bombs,'' I say.

''Yeah, what real thief or serial killer steals bath bombs?'' Zander asks, looking at us as if we were all mugs.

We walk together to the entrance when Jasper and Aiden arrive, hearing them inform us about their lost hats and school books. Aiden suspects it's Bella, who stole from Alexander and Zander, and himself, but is not as sure about the rest of us. We are sceptical about whether Bella could pull this prank off by herself or not, and the speculations about a partner in crime point at Ms Bell and Leo or Alfie. Oliver firmly rejects the idea of it being his grandad, though.

As we hustle into the first-floor corridor, the intercom abruptly quietens all the jostling, blaring students. ''Sophia Hollingworth, please come to the office!''

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