69 Life Sucks - Bella's POV

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I feel genuinely terrible for attacking Ms Bell with my umbrella. It was an accident, and if I could go back in time, I wouldn't have done it. I should've chosen another strategy to get back at Sophia that didn't include risks such as hurting others or getting myself suspended from school. Yep, that happened.

So, I have nothing to do now during the day.

I'm not allowed to lounge in the bridal boutique with Lucy because I'm not buying a dress or planning a wedding, and the witch of a manager told me that the shop wasn't a playground and that I must leave. So rude! And I thought Debbie was the rudest employee of the year.

I tried the library, too, which I knew would be boring because you must be quiet, and you're not permitted to eat and drink among the books. I wasn't kicked out, but after Alexander rebuked me for spilling hot chocolate on a pile of books and demanding I pay for them, I ran and never looked back. Unfortunately, that book-bastard lives on my land, so he knocked on the door that night and told my parents. Do you know what they did? They took from my allowance to compensate for the ruined books. And then, they came up to my room to scold me while I was busy trying a new knitting technique.

Knitting is, like, all I can do for fun since my family locked me out of the streaming sites, so I can't watch TV all day. I think that is so wrong as I am a grown woman. One day, I got so frustrated that I snuck into my brother's cottage to watch his TV while he was at work. I planned to leave before he came home, but I lost track of time, and he was pissed off when he saw me with my feet resting on his living room table and drinking straight out of his juice box.

Then, a few days later, I did the same, but to Alexander and Zander. I broke into their caravan to watch TV. I didn't lose time that time - Zander came home earlier than he should have and fumed at me like a psycho. To be honest, I was a little scared because it was only me and him at the farm, and his eyes turned evil, and he clenched his fist alongside his body - like a furious psycho. He never actually laid a hand on me. I'm not sure if it was because of my vampire speed or his self-proclaimed good self-control. He snitched to my parents and Debbie The Witch later, which worsened my low life standard even further.

I also tried sneaking back into school one time, which almost got me arrested. I didn't even do anything illegal! The only reason they threatened to call the police was because I refused to leave the premises. Mr Hollingworth added days to the suspension for that, too.

I tried the grandad gang again, but since that incident when Michael caught me in Oliver's bedroom and a fight broke loose, I feel like I'm not super welcome there. The grandads aren't that much fun, either.

I'm meant to do extra farm chores when I'm not going to school, but it's so boring when you must do it and have nothing else to do. On top of all, I have Debbie The Witch bitching about my every move - it feels like it, anyway.

My life really, really, really sucks at the minute. And I just want to go back to school and hang out with my mates like normal...

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