22 A While Ago M/F - Sophia's POV

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Sebastian picked me up from the Corbyn's amid the kitchen frenzy, saving me from Debbie's malicious intentions. Right before we left, she said she couldn't wait to be alone with me and that she'd stop by this weekend, which sounded minatory and compelling at the same time.

Maybe Sebastian will come home and find me cackling underneath my bed or buried in the garden. You never know with a Corbyn, and there's some scary excitement in that.

''What was that about?'' Sebastian asks curiously when we've settled in the car.

''Michael forbade her to lay a hand on me, which I mocked her about. And I encouraged her to tattoo one of her vicious quotes - like a tramp stamp. Michael said she already had one, and then she became the evil stepmother with a tramp stamp, and she hated that nickname. I laughed myself hoarse and sore with Michael.''

He chuckles, "You need to be careful because she got a temper.''

''One hell of a temper,'' I remark and continue to share a recap for the rest of the car ride home.


I've just had a soothing bath and completed my nightly routine with Sebastian's help, and I smell delightfully of peppermint. I'm currently practising one of my favourite at-home exercises - clambering on him in bed, or at least I try to.

He fights back tonight and keeps pushing me down, proving that he's not a gentleman and just a tyrant - an annoying tyrant who heckles me about being a brat and not a lady.

''You have quite a lot of energy left,'' he observes as he constricts his hold of my waist. ''Maybe a spanking would be warranted.''

This is my time to begin fighting back by wrenching and flailing my limbs like a fool. ''Nooo! I haven't even done anything!''

''You've been obnoxious to Debbie and need your energy regulated,'' he claims, punctuating it with a smack. ''It was a while ago, too.''

I try to think back to the last time, this happened whilst struggling under a shower of spanks. Maybe two or three weeks ago. I've been whacked with a horribly undesirable shoe at school during that time, so he's the one to blame for the lack of fun, yet dreadfully embarrassing spankings at home.

I vehemently let him know that now, but as always - he gainsays by saying that I should've behaved better. He constantly uses that small-minded argument.

To stop fussing in these situations is more challenging than it may sound like. It's not necessarily the pain that makes me incapable of being still in this case. My bratty spirit doesn't want to give up so soon or at all.

Midnight is around the corner, and I'd like to be asleep by then. I want to be able to wake up before Sebastian heads on his weekend hike and not wake up confused, wondering where on earth he went.

I sigh and plunge my hot face into the mattress to give him a hint. He is as talented at reading me and catching signs as he says, but as a brat, I will rarely admit it.

''See how calm you became,'' his voice is smug and even a tad taunting, just as I anticipated. ''You will sleep so well now.''

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