97 Not Spankable - Sophia's POV

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I am finally sprawling on my living room swing again, reunited with Sebastian after five hectic days. I smile up at him as he examines my transformed appearance, running his eyes over me quizzically. ''How was your London visit, little Soph?''

I furrow my brows at the silly nickname he will never let go of. ''Fun and friendly.''

''I can tell you had a fun time. Who did those piercings?''

''Zoe's been a certified piercer since last week. She gave me fairy highlights, too.'' I lift my head slightly to unfurl my hair, combing my fingers through it to show him the interthread tinsel.

''It fits you - cute and sparkly,'' he says nicely with a soft smile.

''I think so, too,'' I grin elvishly. ''How was Austria?''

''Not what I expected, but I got the books I wanted,'' he replies, seemingly fairly satisfied with the experience. Sebastian is not the one to show a great amount of emotion, though. He's not as theatrical as Oliver, and he doesn't get Zander's rages or bursts of laughter. I've never seen him cry. ''Alex turned into a twat when he met his old schoolmate, whilst his frightfully annoying father was quite agreeable.''

''Yeah, that's very unexpected,'' I emphasise in a teasing voice.

''Yes, indeed. Do you want to hear something else that's unexpected?'' he asks, his voice going from flat to tinges of excitement. That's actually something a bit unexpected.

''Tell me, please,'' I nod.

''I can't wait until I see Oliver on Monday. He's going to tell me one of his interminable, melodramatic, somewhat concerning childhood stories then."

I feel my facial expression quirk. ''Really? Why?''

''Oliver holds valuable information about an incident where Alexander felt mortified and as if his life was ruined. His haughty face shone bright red only by his father's mention of it. He said Oliver would be delighted to share the story with me since Alex would've rather slept in the mediaeval prison cells in the castle's basement,'' he says in a tone all agog.

''You're sooo weird,'' I breathe out. ''I deffo want to hear the story, though.''

He chuckles deeply as he looks down at me, ruminating something, I guess. I offer him my elfish smile to look at while he does the thinking. ''...I want to see those tattoos now, little Soph.''

''Only if you carry me to my room.'' I reach my arms out, and he's not delaying orders as he would tell me when I dawdle or defy. He leans down to pick me up so I can cling to his torso. ''Walking through London killed my legs. I hate that busy city, to be honest...'' I ramble to him on our way upstairs.

I've missed stretching out on my bed, too. And depending on my mood - cuddling or play-fighting him on it. Tonight, a small battle emerges before he gets me stuck on my tummy - an easy position for him to simply tug my trousers and knickers down to my knees and reveal the new tattoos. I shudder at his fingers raking over my skin, down to my thighs with the bows. I'm still in love with them, and they turned out better than all the inspo pics. I can't wait until I can see the fully healed result.

''...I like the bows a lot. I find they suit a brat perfectly.'' He hums pleasedly, sliding his right hand up to the small sisterly tattoo. ''I don't find the other one bad, but it feels like you did that one on a whim.''

''It's a fun one,'' I giggle while he flips me around onto my back. I face him with another elvish smile as that is how I feel tonight. ''The bow tattoos have been on my wishlist for very long.''

"I love the bows,'' he leans down to kiss my cheek.

''No kissing when I have an unhealed piercing!'' I exclaim alarmingly. ''Or ever. But you could actually kill me with a kiss now.''

He chuckles. ''Did you ask the tattoo artist how long you need to wait before you can be spanked and padded again?"

I sense a flush of embarrassment coming at full speed, and what better way to handle it than snapping, is there? "Yes, he told me to tell you to go fuck yourself!"

His soft smile and chuckle wane quickly, evolving into a frown. ''I won't be able to pad or spank you for a while until the tattoos heal fully."

''Amazing news,'' I smirk.

''It will be an interesting time,'' he notes, not as impishly excited as myself. "It does not mean a free pass, little Soph. Do you understand that?"

His shift to a grave manner puts a disapproving scowl on my face. I'm not here for it - it's a Friday night and all!
"It's not time for that tone, Sebastian."

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you."

I huff. "I want to go to bed now," I say, not keen on staying up with this strict, pessimistic side of him.

"Don't you want to watch a movie and fall asleep to it?"

I'd like that, yes. That's another thing I've missed. I groan, "Fine, but I'm warning you about your attitude."

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