37 Idiots MM/M - Sebastian, Sophia & Zander's POV

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This is one of my recent favourite chapters, but I do feel a bit sorry for Zander at the end. It probably did him well, though.


Sebastian's POV

I have just attended an early morning 'emergency meeting' about Leo at Bailey's dwelling. I dare to say that the meeting was a joke as almost all participants were hungover from last night's spontaneous, immature hide-and-seek party. The meeting concluded that we would ignore Leo and pretend; he doesn't exist among us and let the problem solve itself. According to our self-proclaimed experts, problems go away if you ignore them long enough.

Needless to say, I'm not too happy about the final decision, but nor am I keen on discussing it further with the hungover oldies.

Something that I might be a bit keen on is introducing Alexander to his own handcrafted cane. I was enlightened by Debbie that Alexander encouraged Zander to commit unlawful behaviour, and she wanted me to handle that. That's for tomorrow, though.

The rest of today is dedicated to speaking to Sophia about Leo being back. I'm worried about that. I don't want her to become upset and start feeling unsafe. I don't want her to feel powerless and unsure about the future. I'm apprehensive about triggering any episodes of flashbacks... Many things could go wrong with this.


Sophia's POV

It's the morning after the news about Leo being back, and despite them, I had a peaceful night's sleep. Like I said several times yesterday, I don't care. As long as he stays out of my life, I'm not bothered by it. I think they are all overreacting.

Something that bothers me is waking up to the off-putting noise of somebody being caned in my home. Like, what the hell? I don't even know who it is, and I'm not sure if I want to look into it.

No one is surprised by my nosiness taking control of me, and steers me downstairs. I have a mini heart attack when I glimpse Zander reclining on the living room sofa. The gloating smirk on his face gives me ideas of who the target is - Oliver or Alexander. But why would it be Oliver?

I'd understand why it'd be Alexander since he gifted Sebastian a cane. If it's him, I don't even feel sorry for him for this reason. Giving a cane to an eccentric man with a cane obsession, if you don't want to be whacked with it; is utterly stupid.

That's an idiotic thing to do.

''What the hell is going on?'' I whisper to Zander.

He sniggers and puts his phone down. ''Downton Abbey got in trouble after encouraging me to nick from the little shit Icey,'' he grins wickedly, interlacing his fingers behind his neck.

''And you're not gonna defend your boyfriend? You're just gonna listen and snicker to it?''


''You're a horrible boyfriend.''

''I'm a beloved and devoted boyfriend who's also extraordinarily attractive.''

''Do you actually believe that yourself?'' I scoff. ''Is he caning you, too?''

''Yes,'' he nods. ''And no, I'm innocent.''

''I wouldn't be so sure.''

''I've heard babies go tetchy when they need their nappy changed,'' he sneers.

FYI, I'm dressed in my pyjama, consisting of a plain oversized t-shirt, flannel shorts and white fluffy socks that have turned greyish over time.

''Go fuck yourself!''

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