23 Female Subjects & A New Schedule - Sophia's POV

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The past week was an eventless school week. No exciting nor serious trouble took place. Debbie never came over this past weekend because, according to an upset Zander, she lazed in bed all weekend, getting her embarrassing tattoo fixed by her husband. After he was 'scarred for life' by catching his dad giving his mum a 'whorish tattoo', he fled to Bailey's for the weekend, where he enjoyed himself in Alexander's guest room. When I was there, I tried to spy on them, but unfortunately, I didn't catch anything interesting.

My evenings have been spent in front of the TV, consuming overpriced drinks at Bailey's, teasing Debbie or being a sweet brat around Sebastian. And before you call me rude and mean because I mock Debbie for a hobby, she does the same to me. I'm not completely sure what a 'sweet brat' is, and depending on my mood, I either take it as an insult or a compliment...

My mates and I went to Maccies for lunch to spice up this mundane Monday, which felt extra nice during this time of the month when I'm low on energy since my uterus is squeezing out blood. Unfortunately, but not unlike us, we lost track of time. If it wasn't for Debbie coming there during her lunch hour, we would probably be over 40 minutes late to history. It's double-history, though, so we have more than an hour left.

Sebastian stalks out into the corridor, glowering at us, and I prepare for the worst - isolation for the rest of the day. But to my surprise, our teacher invites us inside after a scolding that we put on deaf ears.

Even more surprisingly, we are allowed to hang out in the lounge for afternoon tea. I suspected we would be languishing in isolation or sitting in pain now. Sebastian told us he needs to speak with us later, which sounds quite ominous. But, for now, Bella's blabber keeps our moods uplifted.


When there are 10 minutes left of this break, Sebastian takes the trolls and Zander to the classroom for a talk. 8 minutes later, Sebastian shows up again, instructing everyone but me to go to class. I follow Sebastian to the classroom, expecting to see the slipper or tawse on his desk, but I don't. Nor do I see the cane.

''Because of your current condition, I won't slipper you like your mates,'' he states, and I feel a sense of relief. Also, the fact that I haven't gotten into this type of trouble during my period before is remarkable. ''...It feels crass to expose you to more physical pain than you already are in, nor do I think it's fair to your mental well-being and low energy. There won't be any detention this afternoon, either. The reading you and your mates missed will be caught up with in lunch detention tomorrow.''

Well, that's a lot better than I expected. An hour in isolation with my mates during lunch is better than 2 hours of detention this afternoon. I note what he said and praise him sparingly for his understanding.

''I have put your task there,'' he points at a desk in the front row. ''You can skim through it while I fetch your mates.''

Let me explain this new thing to you: Wesley, Oliver, Jasper and I completed some courses before the summer, which cleared our full-time schedule and left us with several free hours. Instead of allowing us to enjoy our well-deserved free time, Sebastian made up this sorta private study group for us. Before the summer, he decided he would teach fewer regular classes this term for this reason.

We are doing different things. Like, Wesley learns advanced maths, whilst I have to use this time to practise my poor maths skills, and when I'm given a break from that, I try to learn how to knit like Bella. Bella, like Zander and Aiden, still has many courses left, so she isn't around to teach me. Oliver does a lot of reading, and he's even been allowed to play the piano with Wesley in the music room at specific hours. Jasper does a little bit of everything besides practise writing as he's unsure what he wants to 'specialise' in.

I think it's an agreeable concept, though I wouldn't complain if I had less maths to do. It's nicer than sitting in class because Sebastian is a little bit more easygoing and lets us converse, drink coffee and nibble on biscuits. Being here and doing this also feels like satisfying proof that I've accomplished something during my time at school...

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