67 Spawn of Satan - Zander's POV

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Shortly after Alexander, with his vicious crafts, fled the settings to go to Holling's, I was invited in for dinner with the family of nutters and Mum. The kitchen is upside down after everyone has eaten - a similar feeling to having lunch in the school canteen because there are so many of them. I'm mentally exhausted after the experience, and I'm now impatiently waiting for the coffee to be ready. It's only Jody, Bella, me and Mum left now, and Mum is in a petulant mood after Bella's bad table manners, which I find amusing and worth hanging around for.

''It's the season of mixing pumpkin spice with gingerbread!'' Bella chirrups, standing on a chair to take two containers from the cabinet above the fridge.

''You didn't like it the last time you mixed them, precious Bells,'' Jody reminds her. ''Pick one, please.''

''That was a year ago, Mum! A lot can change in a year!'' she squeaks, and with a loud thud, startling the Yorkie by the safety gate to leap away, she hops down.

''Make a small cup then, and try it before you let a big cup go to waste.''

''Nooo,'' on tippy toes, she grasps the largest mug on the windowsill with stacked, random dishes - a childishly reindeer-shaped mug. ''I can't be arsed to make it twice.''

Her mum sighs and brings the steaming coffee pot to the table for us three whilst my mum stares balefully at Bella. But since she's silent and Bella has her back turned on us, it doesn't affect the singing little shit.

I murmur, ''Thank you,'' and take my cup Jody has poured with coffee, redirecting my attention to the tension between Bella and Mum. Bella shuffles cautiously with the almost overfilled mug to sit opposite Mum and me. She smiles provocatively and begins blowing at her scalding, weirdly mixed drink.

''I caught a baby taking their first steps at work today,'' Jody tells us in an attempt to shift Mum's focus and mood.

''That's exciting,'' Mum drones. ''Soon you will have another baby with a death wish to chase after.''

''You're so pessimistic today,'' Jody breathes out and pushes the container with sugar cubes across the table. ''Have some sugar to sweeten your coffee and mood.''

Mum shakes her head at the offer but picks a cube for me and drops it in my cup. ''...Zander ran right into the pond once he learned to walk. I haven't been able to relax ever since.''

I chuckle, ''Zoe and Oliver pushed me into the pond several–''

Being interrupted by Bella has become a vexing routine, and this time, she catches all our attention by squealing and spitting out her drink. Amid the commotion, her mug topples, and the liquid creates a big puddle on the table.

''That's gross!'' Bella screeches.

''I told you that, precious Bells,'' Jody sighs. ''Can you clean that up now, please?''

''No, that's disgusting and boring,'' she grimaces and tips back on her chair.

''Nobody likes cleaning up spillages, but you did it, so you should do it, Bells.''

''I don't wanna. Your job is basically to clean up others spillages and shit, so you should do it!''

''That's rude, Bella!'' I pipe up, and all we get from Bella is more boorish grimaces.

Jody lets another one of those sighs out and pushes her chair back to rise and do it herself. Bella smiles gleefully at my mum, who's trying to kill her with a stare.

''I'm going to be civilised and not voice my thoughts, but you can easily guess what I'm thinking,'' Mum says icily, looking up at Jody, reaching over Bella's shoulder to wipe the spilt drink.

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