68 Sorry, Miss - Sophia's POV

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I stayed up until midnight, crafting canes with Alexander and Sebastian last night - a sentence I never imagined saying. I didn't do much cane-making. I mostly kept them company or annoyed them, if you ask them. I neither got caned or punished in any other way, so I don't think I was too much of a nuisance.

I'm a bit tired today because of this, but I was just let out for a morning break after a science lesson. And together with the boys and Ms Bell, I'm on my way out to enjoy a coffee in the rare sun. Ms Bell has taken the lead across the frosty field, and the lads are frolicking as much as their coffee allows before splashing out...

Just as we stroll around the corner of the old garage, a screech followed by a whack and another screech takes us aback. The blows and screeches persist, and it takes my brain a few moments to register to see Bella batter Ms Bell with an umbrella. More shouting and a bigger uproar emerge as we attempt to break it up.

''...Give it back!'' Bella screams and acts like a wildly mad toddler once Zander has seized her umbrella, whilst poor Ms Bell slumps on the asphalt, pinching her bloody nose.

''Why are you beating Ms Bell with an umbrella!?'' I yell at my friend, studying her with a bewildered look.

Bella's outrageous behaviour quickly quells, and she turns away from Zander to scan the setting. When she detects Ms Bell, she gasps, appearing as baffled as us. ''...Oh, no, I'm sorry, miss. I promise I didn't mean to attack you.''

''Who the fuck were you gonna attack then!?'' Aiden barks at her.

''I can't say that,'' Bella bites her lips together, looking down at our teacher, showing an apologetic regard. ''Did it hurt really bad, miss? I'm so sorry. If I knew it was you, I wouldn't hit you.''

''You shouldn't hit anybody!'' Ms Bell yawps. ''Where's Mr Hollingworth!?''

''Please, don't tell him, miss. He will isolate me forever,'' Bella whines. ''I'm sorry, but it was an accident.''

''Accident? Have you gone mental!?'' Jasper snaps at her as he and Oliver have helped Ms Bell back onto her heels.

''Yeah, I never intended to hit Ms Bell!'' Bella shouts at him and then spins around to face Zander with her umbrella. ''Give me my umbrella back now!''

Zander scoffs, ''Never,'' and holds it steadily with both hands across his body.

''How's it going here?'' Sebastian speaks up amid the chaos, striding toward us.

''Sir, Zander stole my umbrella!'' Bella shrieks.

Sebastian glares at Bella and then allows his gaze to browse the place, sticking to Ms Bell, tilted against the garage with a tissue under her nose.

''...Zander took it to beat Ms Bell, sir!''

''I did not, you little bitch!'' Zander brays and wields the umbrella at her. He wouldn't really wallop her with it, but she sprints to the opposite corner like a startled, wild animal of some sort.

''Bella jumped at me with the umbrella when I walked around the corner,'' Ms Bell fills in, and we all confirm it as the truth.

''Liars! Traitors! Bullies!'' Bella yaps, pointing at us angrily.

''Bella, come with me now,'' Sebastian calls, nodding in the direction of the school.

Bella's shouting subdues, and she looks at him for a moment before she makes her mind up. And I must say, I am surprised when she caves in and follows a seething Mr Hollingworth...

2 | Defiance Discipline Dream RepeatWhere stories live. Discover now