78 Put A Ring On His Finger - Zander's POV

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Alexander is at work to serve the nutters that visit the library on weekends, the Trolls, Sophia and Wesley ran away to Scotland yesterday, and Aiden is trying to talk sense into Bella, who only wants to muck about like a vampire in the woods. Mum badgered me over the phone until I begrudgingly agreed to pause my games and come over to help her decorate the house.

When I saunter into the living room, through the doorway that's been framed with glitter garlands, Sebastian stands rigidly like a tree next to the unpacked Christmas tree in the corner. Dad is reclining on the sofa with a red blanket wrapped around him and his feet unsafely close to the lanterns on the table. It's a matter of time before he accidentally kicks them down onto the floor. But he seems more concerned about what the TV plays than that, and Mum's and Sebastian's heated conversation.

Sebastian instantly turns to look at me with his frantic eyes. ''Do you know where Sophia is!?'' he asks panickingly.

Nonchalant, I mumble, ''Yeah,'' and drop on the sofa beside Dad. ''Scotland–''

''Scotland!?'' Sebastian blusters. ''Why?!''

''Well, she and Ollie got lambasted by you, so they went to Ollie's to carry on with their new origami hobby together with Wesley, and then the three of them woke up in Ollie's bed around lunch. They didn't feel it was a good idea to go to school and risk rotting in detention with a furious Holling on a Friday, so Wes suggested they go to Scotland over the weekend,'' I fill them in casually. ''I checked their socials before I came here, and it seems like Ollie and Wes have put a ring on each others' finger. They might not get those rings off since they're at Wesley's grandparents now, who are stuffing them with food and sweets.''

''That's proper exciting!'' Dad exclaims merrily while Mum and Sebastian look like somebody died unexpectedly.

''Is Sophia there?'' Sebastian asks.

''Yes, I said that multiple times, you muppet!'' I snap, angered at his lack of understanding.

''Zander!'' Mum barks.

''What? You snap at people when they don't listen to you!''

''You do,'' Dad drawls.

''Why are you so calm!? Your daughter is missing!'' Mum snaps at him.

''Alfie told me yesterday that they went to Scotland and would stay with the grandparents,'' Dad tells us.

''Why didn't you inform us of that!?'' Sebastian snarls.

''You wouldn't listen to me and told me to be quiet.''

''Oh, my god, Michael!'' Mum groans.

''That's what you said this morning but with more enthusiasm,'' Dad winks. ''Anyways, they will be back tomorrow, and I suggest you two wait to chastise them and not ruin their jubilance.''

''Have you missed what they did!?''

''They skipped a whole day of school on no valid grounds and degraded your wife,'' Sebastian stresses.

''If they're old enough to get married, they shouldn't be scolded for going to Scotland over the weekend,'' Dad remarks. ''That was nasty, but they never meant to really hurt Debs, and Alfie said they were rueing over it.''

''And they lied to me several times straight up my face!''

''Well, people, including Soph and Ollie, tend to lie when, under the pressure of being aggressively accused of doing something nasty,'' Dad continues reasoning. ''They felt bad about lying, too.''

''Have you spoken to them?'' Mum asks sceptically.

''Alfie has,'' Dad notes. ''Soph and the Baileys are the most genuine and loyal people and wouldn't deliberately hurt somebody.''

''Did I say that one of the reasons why Phia ran off was because you were fuming at her?'' I turn to Sebastian with an unwavering stare to make him cringe out of his own skin. For fun. ''Because she's mentally weak and a muppet like you and therefore can't handle pressure and angry voices.''

''She's not mentally weak,'' Mum snarls.

''Obviously,'' I scoff.

''She's not, but she doesn't like it when she feels like other people around her have lost control over their feelings because of her, and she can't control the situation,'' Dad notes.

Sebastian, who's been standing like a stiff tree in the corner with my stare at him, becomes visibly more and more uncomfortable as we all look at him, expecting a response or whatever. ''...Well, I'm going to leave now,'' he says flatly and strides across the room without looking at us. ''Have a nice rest of your day.''

''That muppet feels bad now, too,'' I snicker. ''Weak-minded people.''

''Zander, can you put together the tree?'' Mum prompts.

I shake my head and sink deeper into the sofa, hands interlaced behind my head. ''That's boring, and Dad wants you to do it so he can ogle at your ass as you bend up and down.''

''I can't deny that,'' Dad chuckles.

''Zander, the only ass that's going to be bent over and on display is yours if you're unhelpful and lewd!'' Mum snarls.

''Dad doesn't want to see my ass,'' I riposte.

Dad chuckles, ''True–"

''Don't piss me off more!'' Mum squawks, hitting the wall. ''I will count to 3–''

''I will count with you,'' I smirk while I keep staring back at her, waiting for her to lose it.

''No, listen, I will do it!'' Dad announces, pushing himself up. ''Debs, you can go look for the box with decorations.''

Mum leaves the room in a huff, and Dad and I get on with the tree semi-reluctantly. It's not fun at all, and it riles me up when the itchy branches poke you in the face...

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