27 Bite Me F/F - Sophia's POV

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''...Why come over when you know all I do is mock you?'' I wonder.

Debbie invited herself after she drove me home from school. Sebastian is languishing at school in the weekly staff meeting, and we just installed ourselves in front of the TV with the various treats and drinks that averted me from kicking her out. At the moment, the air between us is fairly friendly, but that could change in a heartbeat.

"Because I like your company and care about you."

I shake my head. "You crave to beat up someone.''

She chuckles, lighting herself another cigarette. ''I would've done that already if so. I've spent time with you alone when I could easily give you the thrashing; you very much deserve.''

''Yeah, but you'd get the scolding of your life by your husband,'' I mock.

''It's the 21st century. Women can do whatever the hell they want, and men should keep quiet and stay out of the way,'' she asserts.

''Maybe you're such a bitch because you're a closeted lesbian. You seem to hate men."

Her cigarette almost flies out of her mouth as she bursts into laughter. ''...I thought I had found a lovely apprentice in Australia, but then she became handsy at a wedding party that we arranged, and it was as exciting as being pat down by the female guards before prison visits–"

"Did you tell her that? I would've told her, to be honest."

"No, but it got horribly awkward, and I rarely feel awkward.''

''Did you throw hands or scare her away?''

''No, I told her I was married, emphasising to a man, and she said she'd never guessed that.''

''It's the tattoos and assertive personality,'' I remark. ''When you still had your black hair, you were like a plus-size northern Alex Vause.'' Because I'm a hilarious, witty woman, I sometimes cackle at my impulsive sayings, like now.

''Who's that?'' Her bemused face doesn't make it easier for me to pull myself together, and I tip into my corner of the sofa. ''...Is she some porn star?'' she presses, chucking a cushion at me that I smother my face in for a minute to calm. ''...What's so fucking funny?!''

''No, but it wouldn't surprise me if you can find her name in Michael's search history,'' I sputter.

''Yeah, yeah, anyways,'' she sends me a disapproving look before going on with the conversation. ''...I talked about having grown-up kids back home–''

''Some kids have two mums, and some women divorce the father of her kids when she realises that she's actually a lesbian,'' I cut in teasingly. ''Some after 30 years of marriage.''

''Not me. I do love an intimidating man who is like a big teddy bear behind closed doors. Like Michael,'' she hums dreamily.

Her sudden fantasising provokes me to grimace in disgust. ''So you can crush and dominate him?''

''No, so he can ram his dick inside me while kissing me romantically.''

I choke on my Coke, gagging at her crudeness. ''Keep it appropriate as the stepmother you insist on being.''

''You insist on the opposite,'' she ripostes. ''I wonder what would've happened if I followed her home–''

''She would want you to ram your finger that is too big for the wedding ring your husband got you 30 years ago inside her,'' I blurt.

She winces. ''I'm glad I didn't go with her then.''

''Her too.''

''No, she was really into me and wouldn't let me go after I said I was married to a man, so I said that I already had a daughter–''

''What!?'' I gasp. ''Was she that young?''

''Yeah, I said she started as an apprentice! She was a customer's younger sister, and I thought she was interested in getting into the wedding industry, so we got her an apprentice position. She was well nice, delightful and hard-working,'' she tells me. ''Nothing like you.''

"I'm a free-spoken, free-thinking woman!" I exclaim shrillingly. ''And don't have mummy issues like that one.''

"Yeah, her mother was an overbearing cunt,'' she confirms, making me laugh at her foul mouth. ''You're obnoxious and undisciplined with a deeply rooted issue with mothers,'' she side-eyes me.

''Yeah, I hate women, especially those over 37, and the ones over 50 are the worst," I side-eye her back. "You also said I was traumatised."

''Yeah, that too, darling,'' she notes, stubbing out her cigarette in her empty cup of coffee. "Truculent, traumatised and tasteless."

"Michael was terribly traumatised, undisciplined and truculent when he was young, and you fell in love with him."

''He was the definition of a prince charming and gentleman when I fell in love with him,'' she declares. ''You're like those jealous, obnoxious whores at his old club.''

''Thank you, my dearest evilest stepmother,'' I flip my middle fingers up for her. ''Did he keep you on a leash to stop you from attacking those lovely female guests?''

''No, because he was amazingly clever, chivalrous and loving,'' she says. ''And still is.''

''I don't entirely disagree with that,'' I blow out, reaching diagonally across her legs to access her empty cup to stub my cig out. ''That's why he hasn't laid a hand on me and told you off for threatening me, and you don't dare go against that big old teddy bear because, behind the ferocious facade, you're like your son - a little bitch...'' I continue needling her on my way up.

''I will fucking show you...'' she snaps, and I never reach an upright position again.

Her arm hooks my torso from behind and presses me downwards while her other arm drives her hand to smack me vigorously. I flail and wrench and never really end up flat over her lap. Luckily for me, I manage to escape before that happens.

''How mad are you!?'' I shriek, scrambling backwards away from her.

''You were lucky to sit to my left. If you come around, I'll give you a better round,'' she says wickedly, patting the free space to her right.

''I will bite you if you try that again,'' I growl, my cheeks boiling.

''Do it then,'' she goads and extends her arm without a worry about her own safety. ''Bite me, Soph love.''

''I will be the better person and not use violence,'' I huff and hug my pillow harder.

''Cowardly lass,'' she chuckles and smirks, pushing herself up to stand.

''I will bite you so fucking hard when you least expect it!'' I yap.

''You don't dare,'' she taunts.

''Don't test me, dastardly Debs - Father is on my side.''

''But I really want to know if you're brave enough to bite me,'' she snickers. ''Do you want another coffee while mustering up some courage?''

''No,'' I lie. ''You might mix it with the drugs you should be taking.''

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