105 You Asked For It, Mate - Oliver's POV

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Detention has me flagging yet again. These three weeks of detention feel endless. As a Bailey, I've been able to keep my mood up, though. Sophia, however, has sunk into low spirits lately and carries somewhat of a woebegone cast to her face. She said she was fine when I asked her about it, and Holling said she's okay but struggles a bit with some temporary changes at home. He emphasised that it was temporary, so hopefully, she will find back to her elvish, cheeky self soon.

We've done our duty as friends and tried to cheer her up. It's been effective except for Zander's ways. He calls it banter, but it really is just a mockery, and she doesn't appreciate it. Holling has to tell him off more times a day than me, which doesn't belong to the ordinary.

Zander sits at the desk behind Jasper and her, continually leaning forward to poke her or pull her high, long ponytail like an irksome little schoolboy, who's desperate for the girls' attention. Sophia tries her best to ignore him, her techniques being hyper-focusing on the tedious tasks or fiddling with her water bottle as she does right now. Bella knitted a super soft 'jumper' for Sophia's bottle.

Zander is being a persistent prick when he really should be bored and deterred by her lack of attention and the admonishments from Holling. But no. Once again, he stretches his upper body across his desk to pester her.

Sophia jerks her shoulder when he pinches her. ''Piss off!'' she snaps with her gaze stuck down at her desk.

Zander isn't put off this time, either, and he snickers at the exasperated reaction. ''That sulkiness is what happens when your only hobby is shitting yourself, but you ca—''

Suddenly, a commotion made of a clunk and a moan, and Sophia furiously squawking, ''Go fuck yourself!'' to Zander happens within the blink of an eye.

''You asked for that, mate!'' Aiden pipes up, laughing mockingly.

I study them from across the room, and Zander leans back in his chair for the first time today rather than reaching his hands out for Sophia. Instead, his right hand gently rubs the left side of his face around the eye.

''Zander, come with me,'' Holling speaks coolly as he marches toward the door.

''Why, sir? I didn't thwack a water bottle in her face!'' Zander snarls, holding his palm across half of his face.

''I saw what happened. I want you to come with me–"

Zander groans and slams his palms on the desk before he gets up and strides out of the classroom.

The second the door closes, Bella rises hastily, causing her chair to tip and hit mine and Wesley's desk. She coos, ''He certainly did ask for that, Phia love!'' and scurries across the classroom with her arms laden with schoolwork, empty water bottle, fidget toys and whatnot that scatty lass carries around.

''Do you think he will go blind or have a concussion?'' Sophia warily asks. ''He deserved the whack, but I don't want him to actually get injured.''

''No, bad boy Corbyn is sturdy,'' I assure her.

Bella makes another commotion by herself as she installs herself with all her stuff at Zander's desk. ''Pssst! Phia!'' she whispers, tilting over the desk. Sophia twists back and looks at Bella's elfin face. ''Do you want to come home with me after school and carry on rewatching Skins?''

''Sure, Bells,'' Sophia smiles softly.

We frivolously chatter until Holling comes back. Without a grumpy Zander. Or happy Zander, for that matter. No Zander at all.

''Is he gonna be fine?'' Sophia asks, looking at Holling with frantic eyes. ''Did he need to go to hospital?''

''No. Zander is completely fine with only a small well-deserved bruise,'' Holling declares. ''He will be in isolation for the rest of detention. Crack on with your work now. Bella, you need to go back to your desk.''

''But whyyy, siiir? Pleaseee, let me sit here now that Zander is goneee!'' Bella begs whiningly and pouts, as if that would soften an uncompromising teacher like Mr Hollingworth.

''Because you can't refrain from whispering and giggling with Sophia when you sit there. Go back to your desk or go to isolation with Zander,'' Holling demands, keeping his dour gaze on her.

Bella scoots back on her chair in a huff. ''Fine, I'll go back to my desk, sir,'' she says indignantly...

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