39 Spooky Season - Oliver & Bella's POV

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Oliver's POV

I fumblingly hit the snooze button and snuggle up against Wesley, swinging an arm around him. With soft neck kisses, he peacefully awakens... until the disconcerting alarm sets off again - it probably didn't help to change the ring tone to a horror movie tune to fit the season. Yes, it's the most beautiful autumn month - October and Halloween is upon us. Time has, indeed, flown by.

''What time is it?'' Wesley murmurs, rolling to face me.

I reach for my phone to mute the bloody alarm and to grab my water bottle I load with ice every night. My sleepy eyes widen as I see the time. I must've snoozed the alarm in my sleep. ''Art starts in 23 minutes.''

Contrasting to my unconcerned yawn, Wesley's eyes pop open worriedly. ''We gotta rush then–''

''Nah, we can stay for another bit,'' I draw him back, kissing his forehead. ''It's worth whatever evil consequences.''

His tired eyes shine up with temptation while he sips water. ''I don't have that mischievous spirit in me like you, though.''

''Not yet,'' I murmur.


I expected to meet the evil creature, ready to give us a virulent scolding in the school's car park, followed by a mood-killing slippering, but instead, Jasper, Bella and Aiden meet us with mischievous smiles.

''Phia is sick today, and Holling is staying home with her, so his classes have been cancelled, and we just talked to the art teacher about going on the first autumn photo shoot of the year,'' Jasper gushes.

''In other words, we will be gaming the whole day,'' Aiden announces.

''That's like the best thing I could hear on a Monday morning,'' I beam. ''Well, Ladybug being sick is terrible news, but gaming all day instead of languishing in class is awesome.'' I pull my phone out once I'm installed in the passenger seat to send a 'get better soon' text to Ladybug. ''Wait!'' I exclaim, swinging the car door open again. ''Where's Zander? And can we get food on the way?''

''I want a curried veggie wrap!'' Bella shrieks, clambering into her Jeep. She'd do better with Alexander's mini Cooper, to be frank. ''And Zander is probably lingering in the kids' section at the library, waiting for Alex to read him a silly book.''

''He gotta stop doing that before he gets a reputation,'' Aiden says wittily.


Bella's POV

I left the boys after finishing my lunch with them as I wasn't interested in playing video games. I rather snuggle up at home and carry on with my knitting project. But first, I need to stop by the bridal boutique.

''Hiya!'' I exclaim happily, entering the boutique. ''Is Debbie here?''

The woman at the counter greets me convivially and calls for Debbie to come out from the fitting rooms. She greets me, too, but as always, she's suspicious of me, asking why I'm not at school.

''The lads said it was okay to go home since Holling isn't at school today. He's at home taking care of sick Phia,'' I explain.

''Did the lads decide it was okay to leave?''

''Yes. Aiden and Jasper said we should skive, and then we met up with Wes and Ollie, who were late since Ollie topped Wes this morning. I didn't want to play video games, so I left them after lunch, and now, I'm going home to knit,'' I giggle. ''It's chill because Holling will never know.''

''Right...'' She drones and hands me the book I came for. ''Here you go, love. I may or may not come over later.''

''Thanks. I may or may not hear you ring on the door because I listen to loud music while I knit.'' I spin around on my heels and march to the entrance until I suddenly remember. ''By the way...'' I halt and spin back around. ''Is Lucy here?''

''No, she went out for lunch."

''Oh...'' I chew on my lower lip, thinking. ''Can you give her my Snapchat when she comes back?''

She looks at me for a moment, like she's thinking about it. Why can't she just say yes or no?! And why would she say no?

''Sure, write it down," she grabs a flowery notepad from the counter and a pen for me. I jot down my name before I leap out - I can hardly wait to get home and continue on my project.

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