73 Lawbreakers - Bella & Zander's POV

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Bella's POV - Sunday afternoon

''...I promise it will work out fine! I already booked the appointments for us and the hotel,'' I assure Lucy for the hundredth time. ''We will get the most gorgeous hair that nobody here can do.''

''Do you understand how much trouble you will get in for just leaving and the problems I will get if I don't show up for work? I must be a reliable employee,'' Lucy wavers.

''I am allowed to leave for this!'' I lie confidently. ''And you are allowed to call in sick. Just tell them you have the flu or a stomach bug. They don't want you to come in then.''

''Did you say everything was booked already?'' she asks, and I nod enthusiastically. ''And they didn't have any weekend appointments?''

''No, everything was booked. They have a lot to do before the Holidays,'' I say, and this is true. ''We will go in the morning and get home Tuesday evening feeling amazing and looking fabulous.''

She flumps back onto my bed and sighs. ''Fine, but I will blame you if something goes wrong.''


Zander's POV - Tuesday night

The two young police officers on our doorstep look as unconfident as a child's first day of school - more unconfident-looking than the two handcuffed individuals, who've never been arrested before - even though one of them grimaces sillily, and the other one looks like she's pissing herself out of dread. And their hair looks like it's been fingerpainted by a baby.

''Are you Michael Corbyn?'' the policewoman asks Dad.

''Yes, I am,'' Dad answers crisply.

Her eyes range over at me. ''And you?''

''His son. Zander,'' I mutter.

''Okay. Michael, as you can see, we are here to drop off your daughters, Zoe and Sophia. They were arrested for vandalism and theft in London, but as they are only 13 and 14 and not acting aggressively, we considered the best choice is to take them home to their family,'' the policeman explains uncertainly.

''Those two are not my daughters, and they are old enough to be taken to jail,'' Dad declares.

''Do you know them? They couldn't show us any IDs as they were robbed before we caught them, so we had to trust their word. They weren't in our system, either.''

''The one with candy cane pattern on top, Bella Everly, is my wife's friend's daughter, and the other one, Lucy Wilkinson, with just red and green hair, is my wife's colleague.''

''Oh,'' they drawl, scanning the girls. ''Is your wife home?''

''She's coming home now,'' Dad bobs at Mum's car pulling into our driveway.

''Hello! Are you Mrs Corbyn?'' the policewoman speaks up as Mum hops out of the car, visibly displeased with what she came home to.

''Yes,'' Mum replies coldly, fishing her cigarettes from her pocket.

''Do you know who these two women are?''

Mum lights herself a cigarette and mumbles, ''Yes, I do.''

''Do you mind if we drop them off here? They lost their car and wallets and their phones are dead, so perhaps you could help them get home.''

''I will take care of Lucy,'' Mum nods at her. ''But the other one, you should lock up in a cell and throw the key away.''

''Okay,'' the policeman acknowledges Mum's wish and uncuffs Lucy. ''We will bring Bella with us then.''

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