62 Little Madam & The Three Wise Men - Sophia's POV

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After trekking uphill in the woods for 5 hours, I came back to the cabin breathless, cold and sore. Sebastian and I didn't get to wallow in the warmth of the fireplace for long until Harry called Sebastian, insisting that we go home immediately as an emergency that he wouldn't go into detail about had emerged. Sebastian was everything but happy to leave, whilst I felt some relief, knowing I wouldn't have to wander for hours tomorrow on aching feet...

Alexander, poised as usual, invites us inside the manor and guides us to the two tipsy men, Harry and George, lounging in a beanbag each, near the fire that provides flickering light to the dusky living room. Sebastian's sour face hardens when he catches the guffawing men. I shuffle to the vintage sofas on my weary legs and plop myself down between the sprawling cats and Alexander.

''Good evening, Mr Joy!'' Harry playfully salutes Sebastian. ''I'm incredibly thankful that you could come and solve the crisis with us tonight! I can always trust you!''

''What's the problem? You don't look concerned at all!'' Sebastian snarls.

Harry looks at his old but sprightly mate, their mischievous grins mirroring each other. ''Georgie got in trouble–"

''For fuck's sake! What does that have to do with me!? You're two 60-year-old men and fathers who can't deal with your own issues! I ruined my peaceful weekend for this...'' Sebastian scolds them as if they were Oliver and Jasper, and it gets more and more challenging for Alexander and me to stifle our laughter as he goes on unbridledly.

''...Oi! Let me finish speaking!'' Harry yells, clapping. ''It has to do with you because George accidentally became Bella's new supervisor or whatever you call it!''

Tight-lipped, Sebastian's castigation ceases, and he becomes completely silent. I burst out laughing manically at the news.

''That girl tricked me into signing a contract. I thought I was being friendly and supportive to that seemingly sad, ostracised girl and signed a list that would take her to a water park like she childishly longed for,'' George fills us in.

''Yes, and Bella tried it on me the other day, but I asked to see the papers, which Dad didn't as he fell for her innocent, dumb facade,'' Alexander says and waves a paper in the air, handing it to Sebastian as he comes to sit with us. ''So, Debbie is out of the game, and Bella is under my Dad's authority now.''

Sebastian reviews the revised contract and moans, ''No, you cannot be serious. You should've called Debbie to come here instead–"

''I'm afraid not!'' George exclaims. ''That lady scares the living hell out of me, and I can only imagine the tantrum she will throw when she is enlightened about this,'' he explains with genuine uneasiness flickering in his tone.

''That just proves what a mad bitch she is!'' I pipe up.

''No, she's a lovely woman, but it's no wonder why Bella wanted to get rid of her,'' George chuckles.

After a period of brooding over the contract, another visitor shows up in the living room - Debbie. She appears more disgruntled than normal and scowls at each of us before uttering a word. ''Where's the bloody contract?''

Sebastian slides the paper across the table, where she marches to snatch it. She proceeds to rip it in half and then toss the pieces into the fire in front of our faces - leaving us gawking. ''Problem solved!"

''That's illegal,'' the men state in unison.

''Yes, that could get you in trouble, Debbie,'' Sebastian baulks. ''Or even me and George.''

''How and why? Bella has no resources to get a lawyer,'' Debbie scoffs.

''It's a documented agreement that was signed, and setting it on fire won't get George out of it, nor do you get your authority back. Did you not read through the original contract?''

''Not really. It's bullshit and not real law–''

''It is real,'' Sebastian stresses.

''I don't care and think it's bullshit! I will ignore this incident and carry on with my ways,'' Debbie rasps. "Nothing will happen, as Bella told her friends when she entangled them in trouble.''

''Maybe not, but it's a matter of principles,'' Sebastian states. ''It's unethical.''

''Yes, Mr Stickler is right for once,'' George notes. ''We are all stressed about this tricky situation. You can have a drink with us if you want–''

''I don't want a drink!'' Debbie wakes up the basking cats with a squawk. ''I want to do it my way and not be dominated by overgrown boys and a timid stickler!''

''That's either going to be a best-selling movie or a true crime documentary. And the three men will not be the offenders,'' I blurt.

''I will make you a fucking victim, too!'' Debbie barks at me.

''Little Madam and The Three Wise Men,'' George quips, his characteristic mischievous grin fading fast.

Alexander covers his mouth with his hand, smothering his amusement as we all do, except for Debbie - of course. She glares menacingly.

''I'm ever so sorry for that comment, Debbie. It just slipped out and was meant as light-hearted banter," George says suavely, unsuccessful in pleasing her. "...But I must admit you are a bit bossy, and throwing a contract in the fire was rather unwise."

''We are doing it my way! End of story,'' and with that said, Debbie exits the room in a huff.

''I can't wait to plan the wedding with her,'' George chuckles, and his mischievous grin grows back.

Sebastian sighs, drooping beside me. ''What are we going to do now, wise men? Ignore it like we did with Leo?''

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