103 Wicked Teacher - Oliver's POV

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In the midst of my observation of Sophia, who paces back and forth, waiting for her to signal that the target is on his way, I hear the lads underneath me yap and gasp. The next thing I know is my back getting hit with something, and then I glide downwards at full speed. I try to scrabble after the eave to pull myself back up in vain, and I yell at Bella, assuming she is the one throwing snowballs.

But once I've landed on my back in the snow, I see nothing less than Mr Hollingworth's wry smile above me. ''...And that's why we don't climb on roofs, boys,'' he snickers.

I glance left and right, seeing my supporters sprawling on the ground. I see Sophia's high boots plough through the snow as well, coming our way. ''What the hell, sir?'' I ask, puzzled.

''I knew what you were planning on doing,'' he mumbles with a cigarette between his lips, pulling his right leather glove off to flick a tiny flame on his lighter for the cigarette. ''So...'' He blows out a cloud of smoke. ''I decided to deter more devilry from happening that would get you in a lot of trouble while also giving you a reminder of why we shouldn't climb on things not meant for climbing.''

''You're such a wicked teacher, sir,'' Jasper quips. ''And a little thoughtful, I guess.''

''Yeah, excellent role model as well.'' I roll my eyes internally since I've already made the mistake of doing it blatantly in front of him and learned my lesson. ''Throwing snowballs at us and smoking before our very eyes, which teachers tend to deem as extremely dangerous.''

''It is extremely dangerous for children to do so,'' Holling retorts.

''I'm not a child. I'm an engaged young man, sir!'' I raise my left hand but realise halfway I have gloves on and can't show off my ring, so I plop it down in the snow again.

''An adult would understand that I would be able to see your backs clambering onto the roof when I walked here,'' he gainsays. ''Wesley's red hat and Aiden's hi-vis jacket stood out starkly against the white snow.''

''It's Bella's fault I have to wear this eyesore,'' Aiden groans.

An awkward pause of silence takes place. It takes us a minute or two to process what our wicked teacher said. With his logic, Sophia wouldn't be able to catch him, either, when she was patrolling behind the garage and not keeping her eyes on the school building.

''...Wesley, you're supposed to be the smart guy,'' Jasper breathes out.

''Yeah, equations and shit, I can do,'' Wesley mutters.

"I think I need to keep you at school for another year. You may complete your classes, but you have plenty of basic life lessons to learn," Holling says. I can't tell if his tone is disdainful, pleased or somewhat malevolent. Or a mix of all of them. I bet he wouldn't mind holding us here for another year. For obvious reasons. "You are a danger to yourselves. And possibly society,'' he adds.

''Maybe, sir. Is throwing snowballs at us the new cane?'' I ask, hopeful. ''If not, I'm pretty sure I broke my back from that fall.''

''Yes,'' he replies, filling at least me with glee. ''In this case,'' he articulates, ''I don't think knocking sense into you is the right way to go. I don't think it'd be effective.''

''You're correct, sir. This somewhat embarrassing blunder is all Debbie's fault because she's more of a knock-some-sense-into person rather than a talk-some-sense-into person, and when I chucked ice clumps at her, she went absolutely mental and practically knocked me out–'' I babble on until I'm cut off.

''Are you still not going to therapy, Oliver?'' Holling interjects.

''My way of healing is therapeutic banter, sir,'' I answer wittily. ''Grandad said I should write a book about it.''

''Right...'' he drones, unamused. ''Get up before the snow douses your uniforms.''

With a lot of grunting and after a few attempts to push ourselves up, we have scrambled onto our feet. I notice Sophia creeping up behind Holling, and I discreetly watch her as she aims a snowball at him.

She bursts into pert giggles when the snowball smashes on his shoulder. ''Sorry! I had to!''

He turns to look at her pointedly. ''Don't do that again, Sophia. We are at school.''

''I won't. I promise,'' she says with a sly smile...

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