63 Betrayal - Sophia's POV

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''...Make a new contract and trick Bella into signing it!'' I pipe up.

''That's exceptionally clever, Ladybug!'' Harry remarks and hands me my drink, exclaiming, "Cheers to brilliant ideas!"

''I can trick her into signing it on Monday in exchange for 220 quid," I say, self-assured. "This tall tree of a man is a prat,'' I nudge Sebastian, rousing laughter in the room. ''And he broke our Christmas tree last season when he was to take it down, so we need a new one. I want it big and ASAP - before mid-November.''

''That's unethical and not lawful, either,'' Sebastian baulks, a little bit offended by my public brattiness.

''I'm willing to be unethical and unlawful for a new Christmas tree,'' I admit.

''Bella did the same," Alexander points out. "I think it's a promising idea."

''Yes, Ladybug is essentially the female version of Oliver, and we all know he inherited his father's ingeniousness!" Harry effuses. "I will come over and help you install the tree like an expert later."

"That's a deal then," my elfish smile appears together with a matching giggle. "Also, can we make a contract that forbids Dastardly Debs to come along on our trip? It's going to be a trip from hell, and I'm frankly not sure if I'm willing to travel with her."

"Yes," George nods. "As an empath and fellow fun-loving human, I would be a hypocrite not to support that."

"If not, I will just nick her passport," I look at Sebastian, waiting for his support.

"It'd be nice and comforting to have another responsible adult with us–"

"I'm sorry, but your mummy issues are obvious and bad when you find that woman comforting," Alexander chimes in. "I'm going to introduce you to my lovely mother later. She's just like dad."

Sebastian chucks a glare at Alexander, muttering something fuzzy, and I feel it's something offensive.

"You don't need to come, either. To be honest, it should just be me, Jas, Ollie and Harry. Zander is annoying and embarrassed all of us, Bella is a little shit. I guess Wes can come since those lovebirds can't be separated, and Aiden is nice and invited, but he was anxious on both trips so maybe he wants to chill out at home. But Bella, Zander, Sebastian and certainly Debs will stay home," I rave. "Oh, and we need to bring Michael! He's cracking and can scare away all the pestering men in the bar and is composed and mature but not a stiff stickler!"

"Are you saying I am not composed, mature and give off an intimidating expression when needed?" Harry plays offended. "Anyway, that sounds like it could be one of the best trips, and I'm all for it!"

"Are you going to sleep with Harry or Michael on that trip?" Sebastian asks, being as disagreeable as he was at the beginning.

"Why the fuck would I do that!?" I elbow him, feeling myself blush at full speed.

"Did you sleep in your own hotel room one single night?"

My boiling face forms a scowl just for Sebastian, and I
mouth, "Fuck off."

"I will make that trip happen as long as I don't need to share beds with anyone," Harry says enthusiastically.

"Bella, Debs, Zander, Bastian and maybe Alex can go on their own trip and have the time of their lives," I mock.

"Invite Leo to spice it up," drunk as he is, Harry makes himself break into another boisterous laugh.

"I wouldn't go on that trip if I were you, Alex," George winks at him.

"No, I'm thinking about taking Zander to the Alps this winter..."



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