34 Good Little Thief - Zander's POV

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The previous chapter is on Ream!

Alexander and I have nestled early on the mattress for our first night in the caravan. The mattress is basically the only thing we have moved here so far. We tried to get the bed inside without success. That bed is no longer usable. So we might sleep on a mattress on the floor for a while. It's not too bad, and Alexander will keep the floor clean. And being on the floor, prevents somebody from spying on us, Bella, to see us unless she climbs, but then we will catch her.

"If we catch Bella spying on us,'' I start, realising I need to turn the volume down on my iPad that plays some romance triangle-drama bullshit that Alexander wanted to watch after reading the book it's based on. ''Can you thrash her with maybe a belt or even a cane just to teach her a lesson?"

"No, but I can tell her off and tell your mum what that dotty girl's done," he says, towing me close to him again.

"No, mum's honestly such a pussy. I know she's walking around snapping at and threatening people, but that's just a facade. She's a big softie, really," I mutter.

"Like you," he chuckles.

"No, but you are," I backchat. "You won't even slap that brazenly prying girl."

"No, she's too girly and childish. Why don't you grab a brush and have a go at her?"

"I don't want to hit a woman, especially not a daft little lass. It's not a good look."

"But you want me to get that bad look?"

"You already look bad," I tilt my head to grin roguishly at him.

''Do you know what we forgot to bring?''

''Yeah, some alcohol.''

''An implement to spank you with,'' he articulates.

''Nooo,'' I mumble, quickly pressing myself up. ''I can hit you with my fists, though,'' I say as I make a fist of my right hand to punch his chest lightly. ''I can punch you in the nose, too.''

He clasps my wrist before I do and looks at me stupidly. ''Do you think you could take that from them? Perhaps Icey has a hairbrush,'' he whispers, showing his own roguish grin.

''Do you want me to steal from our landlord? On our first night?" I baulk. I'm up for it, though, if it means any sort of nuisance for Bella.

''Not steal. Just borrow a brush without telling them. We will return it in unblemished condition in the morning.''

''Why can't you do it, you coward?'' I taunt.

''Because you want to be my good little thief,'' he tousles my hair - an action of the evilest sorcery.


''Hiya, could I borrow a phone charger, please? Just for tonight. We forgot it at home,'' I ask Jody at the door with my charming mask on.

''Well, aye. I believe Bella has a spare one in her room. She's not home yet, so you can sneak upstairs and look, darling,'' she replies in her characteristic endearing manner. She's to favour over Ms Bell, to be honest.

''Thank you, Jody,'' I smile at her as I close the door behind me and follow her inside, watching my steps as their untidy floors are set up to make people trip. ''You're always so generous.''

''Is there anything else you need? Are you hungry, or have you eaten already?'' she stops outside the kitchen and picks up the orange cat that attempts to slink between the bars of the safety gate. "Maybe you want some extra blankets for the night? Or a silly cat?''

''No, thanks, we are good."

Well, I'm off for a better start than I imagined. I don't want to steal from Jody because she's such a kind woman. I can't steal from someone like that.

However, Bella, she's a little shit.

Her not being at home makes it ridiculously easy for me - almost so easy that it's no fun to do it.

I find two hairbrushes in her bathroom, and both of them, cause me to gag at the hair stuck on them. That's vile and not something I'm not willing to take.

Searching through the bathroom without finding a clean brush riles me up, and to avoid repeating what happened to my bed, I leave. And I make an effort not to slam the bathroom door shut before I bound into the room next door.

Her bedroom is a total mess, clutter everywhere, and nothing seems to be in its place. It's like my room but worse.

I linger at the door and gaze at the jumble - the first and only brush I can spot is a pink toilet brush nearly falling off the roof of her wardrobe. It's wrapped up in plastic and new, thankfully, though it wouldn't surprise me if she kept something as gross as a used one.

Anyways, it's totally useless for me.

You can barely see the floor underneath her clutter, and despite being cautious, I soon find myself on the floor, cussing into my palms.

I look for what I tripped on... It appears as if I slipped on a pile of Maths practice sheets. Some of them tore and got shoeprints on them. I don't feel sorry because if you don't want your important papers to be destroyed; don't dump them on the fucking floor. Before I continue, I take the two with my shoeprint and crumple up, shoving them into my hoodie. Better safe than sorry.

After a several-minute search in vain, I sorta give up. She had some slippers lying around in the living room area that might be useful.

"Oh, I wondered when I was going to stumble upon you again, Zander..." A man's voice rumbles.

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