106 Lovely & Unlovely - Sophia's POV

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I clamber over the living room sofa and flop down on my back. It's been a long day, and to finally be sprawling on my sofa is delightful.

''Did you not have fun at Bella's?'' Sebastian asks me, concerned.

The car ride home from the farm was quiet and gloomy for reasons I'm not sure if I will share or not. ''Yeah, we had fun,'' I mumble, staring up at the ceiling rather than at his face.

''What's up with the glum mood then? Are you in pain, little Soph?'' he baulks. I bury my head deeper into the cushion as I shake my head at his question. ''...Did Zander confront you at Bella's?''

''No, but...'' I waver, glancing to my right to catch a glimpse of his facial expression. He looks down at me, arms folded, studying me with worry clouding over his face. ''...Brinkley,'' I mutter.

''Alex!?'' he exclaims, shaking me up a bit with his uninhibited tone. He takes a breath before continuing more calmly, ''What did he say and do?''

''Bella and I went outside to say hi to the donkeys just before you came to pick me up. I suppose Alex saw us walking there without drawing our attention because all of a sudden, he had snatched my arm and was barking in my face. I was startled, so I wrenched and yelped, and he only twisted and squeezed my arm tighter while he gave me a mouthful. It angered me, so I snapped back, which angered him more. He grabbed my other arm and refused to let go of me and shook me like a ragdoll,'' I tell him, sighing. ''Then, Bella came to my rescue and prodded his ass with a pitchfork, and that made him let go.'' The memory of the last incident prompts a chuckle amid the gloominess.

His concerned face hardens, and his eyes spark with anger. ''That was contemptible of him,'' he growls. ''Can I see your arms?''

I sit up and pull my knitted jumper off. My left arm is fine, which was the one, he clenched for the shortest time. My right upper arm is, however, red and slightly swollen where he held me with an iron grip. ''It's just a little tender.''

''How deep did the pitchfork go?''

''I highly doubt it punctured his skin or left a mark. I think the mortifying memory will scar him deeply, though,'' I answer. ''He was a lot ruder than Leo, too. Whilst he was scolding me like a barking mad teacher, he threw in insults and called me disgusting, a disgrace, a spoiled obnoxious brat, a skanky little whore with no self-respect and—''

''Did he call you a skanky little whore?'' he interjects, his face appalled.

''Yes. I was as shocked as you to hear words like that come out of his posh bookworm mouth,'' I admit, ''I did fling back some foul insults at him.''

He crouches by the sofa to skim his fingers over my cheek. ''I'm so sorry about that, little Soph. You're my beloved brat,'' he croons. ''And I will certainly have a word with that bastard.''

"He's an unlovely bastard," I wink.

He nods and chuckles, "That's what he is."


I slept off the glum mood after snuggling with Sebastian in bed until I drifted off to a deep sleep. At the moment, I'm hanging out in the art classroom along with my mates and some other students, who are keen on Ms Bell's yearly Valentine's crafts party. I've never been a big Valentine's person. Christmas is my season. I don't really understand the hype of Valentine's Day, but I don't mind chocolate and cute stuff.

I also love holiday crafts! It's just sooo cosy and like, my favourite days of the school year. It's sad that they stopped the seasonal arts and crafts days after Primary school, but luckily, we have teachers like Ms Bell, and our art teacher believes we can never get too old for this activity.

I'm making adorable heart-shaped candles today with a twist. I will give a special candle to Sebastian as a bratty little prank. You see, I planned this and I came prepared. I took Sebastian's library card this morning, and it's going into the red, glittery candle. I've taken safety precautions and wrapped it up, so it doesn't melt or break somehow. That's something I'd get in real trouble for, and it's not meant for that. It's just a cheeky trick.

Another thing that excites me: I bought Valentiney lingerie in London that I will bring to the cabin. Sebastian and I are going there for Valentine's weekend, and you bet I will be the prettiest, loveliest, most beloved brat - not an obnoxious, spoiled and disgusting one like unlovely Alexander said.

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