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I woke up early this morning and head to the lounge to find Arron sitting there with a look of concern.

"Are you ok, my love?" I ask him as I sit next to him.

"Hmmm. It's Alder."

"What about Alder?" I ask him.

"He is digging."

I share his concern.

The extension to the house has revealed a small crevice. Alder has been spending more and more time examining it.

I stand up offering my hand to Arron. No words are needed as we go to find Alder.

The sounds of scraping becoming louder as we near the room.

Alder digs like something possessed. Slowly and precisely. Every chip and scrape meticulously planned and executed.

Arron and I share a glance before resuming our surveillance.

Alder pauses his digging, looks at the wall, twitches his head, then veers off in favour of a different location.

Arron calls out to him and gets no response.

I slowly walk over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He instantly stops digging, turning to look at me. "What is the matter my love?" I gently ask him.

"I can't shake the feeling that there is something over there." He looks lost. "Something important." He now looks unsure as he takes in the rubble around his feet.

My aid will not be needed. I cannot dig with my human fingers, but there are many other ways I can help. With a nod, I choose to offer him my support in any way I can.

I see the vulnerability and confusion in his eyes.

"Have your instincts ever steered you wrong?" I ask him, enveloping him in a hug.


He looks like he is about to break down. I place a hand on the side of his face, rubbing my thumb soothingly over his cheek. "Then dig in that direction my love. Do you want one of us with you?"

He nods.

Arron starts gathering the strewn rocks about our feet.

"I will go get us some refreshments." I say heading back down stairs.

I find Rowan and Marsh and express our concerns.

"I thought he was just creating an extra room." Marsh admits. "What do you want us to do? Distract him? Medicate him?"

"My love?" Rowan ask me, noticing my silence.

"I think we should help him." I inform them.

"Are you certain? It is not normal behaviour." Marsh asks. I know he means well, it is not in his character to cause detriment.

I move closer to Marsh and place my hand on his firm chest. "I have visions of past lives. I had a life on a completely different world. We have baby dragons and toddler snow leopards all under one roof. Do you really expect normal from this family?"

He does not laugh, but I see the amusement in his eyes and small smile.

"I will not leave him to this alone. He needs us right now, he needs our support." I say to both of them.

"I am sorry." March admits quietly.

"Let us lend him our support then." Rowan says cheerfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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