Myths and Legends

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I made sure Thorne was attended to before we left. He has healed tremendously since this morning, but still sat patiently as I cleaned and redressed his wounds.

Luca and Felix take turns carrying me to their camp. When I first fell asleep on Luca's back and almost fell off, they resorted to carrying me bridal style. Not that I was complaining. My chocolate gods were fast becoming my favourite pillows.

Between naps they updated us on the status of the others.

Quickly after the dam collapsed and Marsh had attended to the few that had been caught up in it, they were ushered back to our camp. The village refused to help search for us, accusing them of sabotaging the dam. With the rising tensions the group packed up and moved on that afternoon.

The four young beavers followed along for the rest of that day, but parted ways the following morning.

A base camp was set up, and most have been spending their time scouring the forests looking for us. Marsh and Mateo gave the search parties packs with healing salves, leathers and food, just in case.

Ovie is still missing.

It was then I learnt of Ovie's betrayal. He had attacked Thorne and sent me to the dam to die. The anger I feel is mirrored by all. Thorne and the twins swearing on all things holy that when Ovie is found, he will suffer a fate worse than death.

Knowing that the others are safe is a huge relief, but there is one thing that still has me on edge. My babies. I am eager to know how my babies are doing. I have had a bit of a beating whilst being thrown about in the flood. Whilst I have not bled or had any cramps, I need reassurance from Marsh.

It takes us all day and into the evening before the familiar voices of my mates greets my ears.

"Little one!" Rowan is the first to reach me.

He quickly lifts me from Luca's back and into his strong embrace.

I return his hug with a fever, inhaling his soothing scent.

Releasing me, he holds me as he kisses me senselessly.

"I was so worried." He says between kisses, tears falling from his eyes.

"I love you. It would take more than a bit of water to keep me away." I say, wiping the tears from his cheeks. He has shadows under his beautiful blue eyes and his body is a little shaky.

Ethan steals me from his embrace. "Let's get you cleaned up and checked over Treasure." The same shadows grace his red rimmed eyes.

I clutch him tightly as he carries me to a concerned Marsh.

Gently placing me on a pile of furs, I kiss him pouring all my feelings into it.

Our foreheads touch and we stare into each other's eyes. "I love you my sun" I whisper to him.

A gentle cough to my side breaks us apart.

I reach up and caress Marsh's face. He leans into my hand. Removing it from his face, he kisses my palm then proceeds to check my pulse.

I relax and try to behave myself as he checks me over. His warm hands gently but steadily checking over every part of my body.

Following a feel of my stomach from all angles, I hear the hitch in his breath as he looks at my thighs.

He looks up at me questioning the scratches and bruises.

"I am ok. Thorne tore them away before it could go any further."

Lost and FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora