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I fly over the dense forests, the cool wind under my wings, helping me glide effortlessly towards my destination. Scattered clearings break the forest apart, giving tantalising vies to the forest floor. The mountains that surround the citadel creep up from the horizon, letting me know that I am on course and halfway there.

Scanning the sky around me I see a group of figures to my left. A familiar cry from the griffin alerts me to who it is. The group of flying beastmen are led by the griffin. Larger than the others his plumage is of a mottled grey. Thick wings effortlessly carry his lion shaped body as his alert and attentive eagles head scans the area below him.

I alter my course to his direction as he descends into a clearing.

Blood and dismembered bodies cover the clearing. I head to the outskirts of the clearing, keeping upwind of the massacre. I land softly and transform, being careful to stay quiet whilst he does his thing.

Now out of his beast form, he carefully steps around each body part, inspecting it before moving onto the next. He sniffs the air and crouches, only to move on and repeat the process. As graceful as a cat he manoeuvres around the clearing taking in every tiny bit of detail.

After several minutes, he walks over to me, shepherding me into the forest away from the grizzly scene.

“It’s good to see you again, Ethan.”

“Likewise, Alder.” We shake hands as a greeting.

“what’s going on?” I gesture to the scene behind us.

“We have been tracking this group for the last few days, a group of wild beast men that were heading north-west, attacking all in their path.”

North-west towards Aurora. I resisted the urge to shudder, not willing to think too much on what could have happened if they were not stopped.

“Looks like something beat us to it, before we could intervene.”

“Something? Or someone?” I ask.

“Yeah, some one. There are tracks here and there of an unknown assailant. A beast with the ability of flight, as there are none approaching or leaving the site.”

Faint groaning can be heard from one of the bodies.

Alder continues. “This is not the first time we have found such site in the last year. This time we seem to have disturbed him before he could finish.”

“Finish?” just what more can he do?

“All the other sites were clear of any other tracks. The bodies stacked and burnt.”

“Just one set of tracks?” I ask. There was at least 12 beastmen in that clearing, even for me and Rowan it would have been a difficult task.

“It’s troubling, but in a way helpful. Saves us a job. Anyway, what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Rowan and I have been staying nearby, I sought you out to see if there had been many sightings of wild beastmen in the area, as I know you patrol this area frequently.”

“That not like you to stay in one place for long. What’s the real reason? Finally decided to join us?”

He cocked his eyebrow at me. Folding his arms over his chest.

One of the other beast men stepped forward, reminding me that we are not alone. Alder started to give out orders for the bodies to be buried, and the area cleaned.

Glancing around, I looked at his men. Knowing how delicate the situation is with the knowledge of Aurora and not wishing to lie to my friend, I ushered him further away.

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