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Painful, oh so painful.

I felt the first contractions start just before they left to meet Finlay. I was under the impression that it would be hours before the babies would make an appearance, so kept it to myself.

Oh, how wrong I was. Within an hour my water had broken, and I could no longer keep it a secret.

Marsh's magic hands relieved some of the initial pain and discomfort.

From there it progressed fast.

The contractions started as uncomfortable, the closer they became the more intolerable they became.

Rowan eventually returned and was by my side when it came to pushing the little fluff balls out. I squeezed that poor man's hand sooo much.

One by one, five little fur babies were thrust into the world.

As much as it pained me, all the effort was worth it. These babies are adorable. Tiny miracles of life, tiny, vulnerable and awe inspiring. Just looking at them distracts me from the soreness. My treasures, my joys, my world, my everything.

As soon as they left my body, they were checked over and washed. Each beautiful cub was then placed one by one in the basket at my side. Soft mewls and squeaks came from them as they squirmed amongst the softest furs.

Marsh, Rowan and Mateo were patient and attentive instructing and assisting their first feed. For the next few days, it felt like a never ending cycle of feeding, cleaning and sleeping.

Their sweet mewls triggered each other off. It feels that as soon as I have finished one round of feeds, the next one begins. It is with some relief that they will move onto solids at 2 months. It seems like a miracle that I can keep up with the frequency of feeds.

I swear part of it is Mateo and Marsh's 'special' diet for me, rich in foods beneficial for a nursing mother.

Speaking of Mateo, he is getting ready to hibernate. He is becoming a lot drowsier, and as the temperature starts to become colder, his naps have become more frequent and longer. He has set up a small room just off from the main bedroom where he will be retiring to for the next few months.

With Mateo unable to resist the hibernation any longer, we are spending one last afternoon together as a family. This will be the first time me or the cubs have left this room since their birth. The plan is to feed them one more then meet everyone else on the floor below.

I have been informed of a great feast and excited parents and siblings are awaiting our arrival.

I am happy that I finally have the energy to leave this room, but sad that this will be the last afternoon I will be able to spend with my loveable bear. His soothing presence and calming nature have often been my support the last few days. I will really miss him this winter.

Grabbing his hands, we follow Rowan down the steps. Rowan carries the cubs in their basket, as March brings up the rear with various supplies that may be needed for the cubs.

Rowan steps to the side as we enter the main room. The chatter and music come to a stop as they turn towards us.

My heart overflows with the love and adoration looking back at me. I feel warm tears flow down my face as I take in our family.

I am truly blessed.

The only one missing is Alder. Wish he could be here to witness this.

I am led to a large nest of cushions and furs near the warming fire.

They take it in turns to coo the cubs. Tentatively holding and cuddling them.

I keep my eyes on them at all times. I trust these men with my life, I just need to know where my cubs are.

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