Peeping Tom

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Yet again my mates have done me proud.

Through trial and error they have managed to perfect a fire pit kiln. The previously detested muddy bank has become a source of natural clay for my experiments. Once washed, this natural clay has had many vigorous testing’s.

Burnt offerings, exploded vessels, cracked and collapsed pots have helped refine our skills. For now we have sealed some of the pots with tree resin, and hope to experiment with simple glazes in the near future.

I am now the proud owner of some ugly and equally beautiful pieces of earthenware.

One such piece sits beside the river as I bathe. Its unique tilt and wonky spout has a certain charm to it, and does not deflect from its usefulness.

The cool water of the river soothes my muscles. Yet again those males were thorough with my body last night.

My skins feels too sensitive, and my legs a little weak to stand under the waterfall today, so I use my beautifully ugly pot to pour the refreshing water over me.

Reaching for the soap I have set on the protruding rock, tingles skitter down my spine. Not the pleasant ones. It’s riddled with anxiety, fear and apprehension. It feels like someone is watching me.

The boys know where I am, they are unequivocal in regards to my safety. They would have chased off or deterred any rogue or wild beastmen in the area. I stand there frozen, undecided of what to do. Continue without acknowledging it, run back to the safety of my males, confront it?

The sensation dissipates slightly. I still feel someone watching, but the sense of fear has dispelled. I hear no movement, other than the gentle sway of the tree branches in the breeze, and the waterfall to my side.

I am already vulnerable, currently naked, and away from my males. With a sense of resolution, I pick up the soap and clean my body.

If they want a show, they have got one.

I meticulously clean every part of my body, slowly rubbing and lathering the soap. Whilst doing this I try to pinpoint where I think this peeping tom may be hiding. Satisfied with my deductions, I rinse off and go to put my clean furs on, placing everything else into the basket.

Knowing I may be placing myself in danger, I keep my knife at the top allowing for quick access with my free hand.

I make my way toward the trees and stop around five meters away. There is no unnatural movement, no eyes peering back at me. I am certain that there is something there, still watching me. I stare at the shadows, not knowing if I do want to see movement or not.

I can feel my confidence wavering, with one last glance I square my shoulder and turn away. As I walk further away I feel the adrenalin leave my body, my hands tremble slightly and I realise just how bad it could have gone.

As much as I want to run back to my males I also want to calm down and collect myself. Nothing happened, there was nothing there. There is no need to rile them up over nothing.

Ethan startles me as he emerges from behind some tall bamboo.

A rather girly squeak leaves my mouth, dropping the basket to the floor. Busted.

“Are you alright?” He asks. He pulls me into his arms.

“Yeah, you just scared me is all.”

I snuggle into his embrace, tying to calm my rapid heartbeat and breathing.

“Are you sure you are ok, you seem a little tense?”

“Yes, no, I don’t know…..i thought I felt…never mind, it was nothing. Yeah, just my imagination.”

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