The Females

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*** WARNING***

The following morning, I was invited to lunch with the councils females. A young boy was sent by them, he stood rigidly by our door, refusing to leave until I accepted the invitation. It felt more like a summons.

Rowan and Ethan escorted me but had to leave me at the door. This gathering was for the females only, it consists of the nine females mated to the council and a handful of other high ranking females that had just arrived to the Citadel.

Rowan and Ethan reluctantly left me at the large hut, but not without a pep talk. I was to stand tall and proud. Allow for humility and flattery, but above all listen, and rise above any hurtful comments.

I was ushered inside by the same young boy as earlier, and promptly abandoned. Standing at the entrance I took the opportunity to look around.

There are around fifteen women scattered around the room, reclining and chatting amongst themselves. Food was laid out in the centre. The curvy females sat around the food, grease dripping down their chin as the conversed with their mouth full.

The females started to notice me, a silence spreading around the room. The few females in the middle remained seated, whilst the other started to stand and move closer to me.

“Good morning. I am Aurora. I was informed that you would like to meet?” I glance at the females, a whole range of emotions stared back at me. Animosity, detest, curious, inquisitive and two pitying looks.

One female that remained seated broke the silence.

“Well, come here then, let’s have a look at you.” There was no comfort in her tone, just annoyance.

I must have moved too slow as, I was grabbed by two of the closest and ushered to stand in front of this demanding female. I glowered at their retreating forms.

“Turn around.” She demanded, waving her hand in a circular motion.

I look at the other females. Trying to find some indication as to whether this is a normal social interaction. I see boredom on some of the females faces, but towards the back of the group, I also see fear. I do not want to challenge this woman, but I will not be so easily cowered by her.

“Is this your home? I love how you have arranged this space.” Smiling, I look around the room once more.

I hear a grunt from her direction but refuse to acknowledge it. Following an unspoken command, small snippets of chatter started as three females approached me.

The women were inquisitive about my fine leather clothing. Touching and tugging here and there.

“Hmmm, it lacks the fur.”

“Who made this horrendous thing?” Ahhh, cue the Queen Bee’s followers.

“My mates and me. I find the leather a lot cooler and can be carved, shaped and stamped to suit.”

“I like it.” Someone offers from behind them.

“I don’t, you would never find me wearing that monstrosity.”

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