Surprise, surprise

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It is now mid summer and mission honey pot was a success. The bees were more docile after a thorough smoking, and I managed to climb up and cut away two decent slabs. Only two stings were inflicted.

I lie back in the river, cleaning the last of the mud out of my hair. My clothes laying on the rocky bank drying in the sun. I have time to set a few traps before heading back to camp.

As I stand up, movement catches my eye along the opposite shore line. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel the heavy stare of a predator on me. Turning slowly I see a snow leopard.

The large feline and I lock gazes, its electric blue eyes gaining my focus. This is the first major predator I have seen since arriving on this planet.

I slowly move backwards towards my clothes and weapons. I know deep down I do not have a chance in hell against this beast, but I will go down kicking and screaming on the way.

The bushes rustle behind it, a tall muscular man with a fur skirt steps out. I watch as he steps next to the snow leopard.

"Female, we don't mean you any harm." He says holding his arms up.

Shocked at his proximity to the wild animal, I take a moment to look at him. Short mousy brown hair, light golden eyes and rosy cupids bow lips. His body muscular but lean, not one ounce of fat to be seen anywhere.

The snow leopard moves, dragging my attention back to it, and I instinctively take a step back. It stops, so I stop.

Then the weirdest thing happens. The snow leopard stands up on his ( I can clearly see his junk now) hind legs as he morphs into a man.

"Female, where are your males?" the first male asks.

I cant take my eyes of the leopard man. He is naked, and one fine specimen of a man. Ash blonde hair, framing those startling blue eyes. More muscles than male one, but not body builder jacked. They both were delicious, I can just see more of male two. Male, beast....he morphed, legs are feeling a little week. My feet are cold and my legs begin to shake. I look down and realise I am naked.

"i...can...I mean. Please, let me get some clothes on." I stutter out.

I turn my back on them, attempting to hide my flushed cheeks. The embarrassment of being naked overtaking the shock of the man animal thing.

I quickly put my fur halter top and shirt on, and sit down to put my socks and shoes on. I know it's the middle of summer, but I found that sweaty feet is a small price to pay for cut up soles going bare feet or having the flip flops cause a trip or twisted ankle.

Once dressed I look up to see both men standing on the opposite shore. Male two now wears a fur skirt hiding his modesty. Both stare at me with a look of curiosity. Lets get this ball rolling.

"Ok. My name is Aurora and you are the only males I know here." I start.

"My name is Ethan, I am a hawk beastman, this here is Rowan a snow leopard beastman." The first male, now named Ethan says.

"What tribe are you from fe..Aurora?" Rowan asks in a rich deep voice.

I make the mistake of looking at him, getting distracted by those blue eyes.

"I don't know. I have a feeling it is a long way from here. Are there other beastmen? Do they all live in tribes?" I feel more questions forming in my brain, I need to focus on the ones most important for now.

"What do you mean, a long way from here? And do you not have tribes or beastmen where you are from?" Ethan gently asks.

Just then my stomach growls. I have a feeling this conversation is going to take a while. I do not get any bad vibes off these men, ahem, beastmen.

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