Weaving Alliances

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Last night I wove each of us a wide rimmed sun hat using some straw from our bedding. The boys assured us it will be replaced whilst we are out today.

I had caught the sun on my shoulders yesterday, I did not wish to further exacerbate their tenderness. The males skin seems to be fairing a lot better, but having it drilled into me the dangers of UV rays, I made sure they too had hats.

The journey to the forest took a little longer. Keen to get there as soon as possible, we rode on the back of the beastmen.

"Hi I am Raine, Misty has told me so much about you." An energetic male said as he approached. A small snarl from Thorne's dragon halted him from diving into my personal space.

"Wow, that is one mighty fine beast." Raine says as he appreciates Thorne.

Raine turns his attention back to me, giving me a once over. "You have to show me how you made this outfit. The way it has been put together. It covers more than the normal leathers yet looks so much more appealing."

"It's just a reflection of her inner beauty." Rowan says from my side.

I blush, and slightly tilt my head down to hide my embarrassment behind the hat.

Rowan kisses my cheek, then whispers "Don't be shy, it's the truth." He rests his hand on my hip as we make our way into the forest following a trail.

"The material is wonderful, is it as light and breathable as it looks?" Raine asks.

"It's from the cotton we have harvested. Twisted into long thin strands, then woven together. A bit like weaving a basket, just thinner strands and on a larger scale." I explain.

Raine tilts his head studying the material further. "Is this weaving limited to just cotton? I can imagine some plants would make quite a stiff material."

Seeing the familiar curiosity in his face that our villagers have when they find their interest, I return with a smile. "I know hemp fibres can be woven into material. It is stronger than cotton, but more difficult to dye different colours."


"It's a seasonal plant. Whereas cotton comes from the plants seed pod, hemp is the plants fibres. Similar to flax fibres making linen. " As I explain this to him, his eyes widen.

"So, any plant that has fibres?" He can barely contain the excitement in his voice.

"Essentially. Bamboo, flax, cotton, hemp, coconut, nettles, lotus stems, possibly many others." I chuckle back at him.

I would need to test them to assuage their potential use. I could also experiment with different weaving methods. Coiling, adding another direction, would that be triangle or hexagon? Felting wool. How to make it thicker? Use double threaded weave? A thicker strand? What about lace? It looks beautiful, but I never learnt the technique, it always looks simply complicated.

I too get lost in thought.

"Why choose cotton if there are so many available?" Raine asks me.

"It was simply one of the first that I have sourced." I admit.

We start talking about different styles. Short, mid and long skirts. Different necklines, and sleeve lengths.

We talk animatedly and companionably as we walk through the forest.

Out of the corner of my eye I spot an off white cocoon.

"It can't be." I have stopped in my tracks. "Luck is with me today." I say to myself, almost chuckling sinisterly.

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