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We have spent the last four days at our encampment.

To my relief Rowan and Alder returned the first morning as planned. Rowan looking a little harried and Alder amused. Despite asking, the only information they parted with was their conversation with the tribal leader.

We are not allowed into the village at this point, so our teachings have been conducted either at our encampment or in the surrounding area. I have learnt that both the beaver and fox beastmen that predominate the area are semi nocturnal and territorial. Beavers are herbivore, and the foxes omnivore. They store their food in caches for winter, so food preservation is not as necessary around here, but does add variety to their winter menu.

During the past four days we have shared some knowledge with the more curious villagers that have approached us. We have showed them some food recipes, traps, games and pottery. It is thanks to those males that attended that we have been able to source some materials to satisfy our inquisitive and restless brains.

I know my mates are plenty capable and would give me the world if I asked. With our planned travel, our time to experiment and get creative is limited, plus I wanted to encourage the village beastmen to get inspired. With this in mind, I commissioned several items to be crafted and sent to Glesall in time for winter. With the beavers knowledge of wood and the foxes curious nature, I am hopeful they can deliver.

During the last four days we have been experimenting with how to make flour from alternative sources. There have been quite a few variations of stir fry's using the food sources native to this area. The traps have been modified to suit the prey and habitat. Arran and Ethan have begun brainstorming and experimenting with mouthpieces for a flute/recorder.

The days have been a little restless, but right now I feel apprehensive. The village leader has allowed us into their village later this afternoon, where we will be able to trade and socialise with the villagers. We had already expressed our desire to trade or look at goods specific to this area, and hopefully they will provide.

I know this is what we were hoping for, and I truly appreciate it. I am looking forward to visiting the village. What has me on guard is the waiting around. We have been all but barred for the last four days. Why are we suddenly allowed in? Have they had to hide something? Tidy up?

Following the short time permitted around the village, there will be a communal fire towards dusk. We are to provide our own food and entertainment. This village has not felt too welcoming. They may just not be used to people visiting and are usure of what to do. We shall find out for sure when we arrive.

Thorne, Flint, Umber and Arron have opted to stay at the encampment. The rest of us head into the Village. Emmet and Ovie have joined us, inquisitive as to the nature and behaviour of the villages inhabitants.

There is no definitive entrance to the village. Paths and trails converge and lead you between small hills and mounds, slowly opening up to a large lake. The lake is scattered with floating platforms, small islands and dams. Wooden bridges and dams crisscross over the layered pools of water. On the far side you can just about make out one large dam holding back a large body of water. It is the largest dam here, standing just 10 feet high and spanning around 40 meters. Smaller outlets allow water to flow into the area, refreshing the water and causing a gentle current. Several beastmen walk along it, using it as a bridge.

Ethan, Ash, Marsh and Mateo have brought along our goods. Checkers, skittles, drums, harps, soaps and medicine pouches, and will be demonstrating to those that are willing. They are led by a scrawny red head to a more central island to set up.

An escort has been provided by the village leader to walk us around. Rowan, Alder, Felix and Luca are with me as we walk around taking in this unique village. The escort says nothing, just looks at us, or stands in our way barring access to different areas.

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