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It took the men just two days to find a small group of males that were also travelling to the village called Woodside. They were rushing back to their home village, petrified of further land shakes occurring. After some brief negotiations it was agreed that there was safety in numbers and just two days following that we left the Citadel.

It has taken us 11 days to reach the outskirts of Woodside.

During those 11 days we quickly formed a routine.

Upon waking up and packing up camp, two beastmen scouted ahead.

Breakfast was shared and travel commenced. During the morning travel we foraged enough to feed us at lunch.

During lunch there was further scouting ahead. Foraging along the way towards our camp in the late afternoon.

We would make camp early evening, eat and patrol.

It sounds repetitive and boring, but it was filled with merry camaraderie and strengthened our bonds.

The pregnancy was the hot topic of discussion a few times. There were intense discussions and we tried to be accepting of all emotions and opinions. With our family growing, it is essential that everyone's voice is heard, every concern listened to. Each person within the family is important, valued and respected.

Rowan, Felix, Luca and Alder apologised and kept returning with gifts despite my quick forgiveness. Our safety, not just mine, is no joke. I understand their concerns, they are concerned about the babies. All pregnancies are deemed high risk in this world. I guess without modern medicine there are many more risks involved. I am in the best care and will tell them if we need to rest and Marsh will undoubtedly inform them of any concerns he has.

Rowan and Marsh were extremely protective for the first couple of days. Their possessiveness had inadvertently scared the twins away from me. It took a couple of stern chats before they started to calm down. Felix and Luca have since gotten closer to me, but they are not as boisterous as before, treating me like fine China.

Que another family chat. A woman's body is capable of carrying children and continuing as normal. I may not be as rowdy as before, but I can still be cuddled, carried and loved. This in turn led to a make out session that left me wanting more.

Our progress has been quite spectacular, making good time despite the later start and earlier finish to our day.

So far there are very few new things to forage.

Marsh has been harvesting a variety of herbs and flowers for medicinal purposes: mostly St Johns Wart, oregano and the stamen of lotuses. Ginger, wood sorrel, watercress and some early berries were gathered for culinary uses which Mateo was very keen on using. His excitement was evident, such a juxtaposition for such a large man to be bouncing in glee.

Along with these new culinary herbs for Mateo, Arron has asked if he can do an insect and meat medley for him as too much fruit can upset his stomach. Now that we are hoping to be camped for the next week, Mateo and I want to try to collect some flour alternatives. We plan to scour around for Cattail pollen and want to draw up plans for a flour mill. Until a quantity of wheat can be acquired, we will also look into using nuts as a substitute.

I do suffer with a little morning sickness, but between Mateo feeding me rice crackers and Marsh's soothing hands, it is soon diminished.

Ash and Flint have proved to be more mature than the twins at times. They soak up information like a sponge. Splitting their time between camp, patrolling, hunting and foraging. I only wish they weren't so serious all the time, I can understand what my mates meant by them maturing fast. My heart aches for their lost childhood, and I am determined to find a game or pastime to help them.

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