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We decide to go for a brief forage and hunt on the way back to the hut, eager to get back and relax for the remainder of the day.

Rowan becomes more alert as we get closer to the hut. He slows down, scanning the immediate area, tilting his chin up and sniffing the air. He places our food on the floor and tentatively moves towards our residence.

“What’s wrong, Adonis?”

Ethan places himself directly behind me, whispering a shhh in my ear. He holds me in place as Rowan investigates around the land attached to our hut, steadily getting closer towards the entrance.

There is total silence. Not even our noisy neighbours can be heard.

My fear raises with each passing moment. My heart beat quickens and my breathing becomes shallower.

Just as Rowan approaches the doorway to our hut, a tiger jumps from the roof straight onto him.

“Rowan!” I scream. I attempt to get out of Ethan’s hold, to get to him. His hold is firm. All I can do is watch Rowan gets to his feet, keeping his adversary within his sights. A wolf exits our hut and joins the tiger stalking him.

I feel Ethan stiffen before releasing me.

As I turn to look at him, I see two more beasts behind him, bob cats. A third one in his human form standing directly behind Ethan.

Ethan slumps to the floor, a small trickle of blood from his mouth. As he falls, I see blood, Ethan’s blood dripping from the human’s clawed hands. His forked tongue licks his claws, saliva and blood mixing and dripping down his chin.

His hooded gaze is focused on me. Crap, my knife is in the hut. Not that I would stand much of a chance against a beastman.

I take a step back, straight into another’s waiting arms.

His hand goes over my mouth as his arm snakes around my waist, his hold tight, keeping me still.

I can see Ethan, I can hear his raspy breathing. He struggles to get up, his arms shaking, not being able to support his weight. I can also hear Rowan fighting the other two but can’t see who is winning.

The bob cats move towards Ethan, but the human remains standing in front of me. His green eyes piercing into me. An evil smirk forms on his lips as he starts to look me up and down.

In the corner of my eye, I see one of the bob cats swipe at Ethan. He narrowly misses, as Ethan rolls further away from me.

I need to do something. Think Aurora.  You did self-defence classes; you did martial arts. Think.

I shuffle around, trying to get into the correct position to make the most damage.

I swing my head back into my captor’s face, using his shock, I bend forward, reaching between my legs I grab his ankle and bring it forward with as much strength that I can. I turn and kick him in the face.

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