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It only took three days to dig through the rubble. There were two casualties and only a dozen injured. The houses in that region were spread out thankfully. I would hate to think of the damage if it had occurred closer to the centre where the homes are densely packed together.

Linden and Kane were indeed caught up in the landslides. With their home destroyed, we did not think twice to offer them respite in ours. Despite the beast men’s enhanced healing, it will still take them a couple of weeks to fully recover.

Both of Lindens legs were pinned by rubble, one taking more damage than the other. He is lucky to still have them. Kane suffered from concussion and a broken arm.

We gathered everyone inside to discuss changes to our travel plans. The Entourage included.

“What’s everyone’s opinion of continuing with our travel plans?” Rowan began commanding the room.

“Delay travel.” The eagle Ovie says with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Continue as planned” Thorne supplies his arms across his chest as he leans in one of the doorways.

“Don’t travel” Felix, one of the twins, his brother nodding along.

“I vote for delay.” Ethan agrees with Ovie.

Rowan points to Linden and Kane. “With these two out of commission we can either recruit a couple more or wait until they are healed.”

“Not many left in the citadel willing to travel with us or are too busy dealing with the aftermath.” Said Alder as he picks at the remains of the food in front of him.

“Kane and I will not be travelling this year. We will stay and can watch the house and take deliveries.” Linden supplied. I see the sadness in his eyes, he wanted to travel just as much as I.

“Then we hire replacements.” Umber, the phoenix suggests. Didn’t Alder already say why that would be next to impossible?

“It that really needed. There are 12 capable males. If we delay for recruiting, we may take too long.” Interjected Arran.

“What about the boys?” As I asked, I saw the excitement in Flints eyes.

“Your safety is my priority. There is never enough protection for you. They will need protecting too.”

Rowan dismissed it straight away. Flint looked down slumping his shoulders. My poor boy.

“That’s admirable, but I would rather not delay too long.” I mutter back.

“The only ones left are too old, mated or preoccupied with the landslides to consider travelling.” Alder states again.

“True, shall we wait for Linden and Kane to recover?” Umber asked.

”Did you not hear, we want to stay here this year. We will not be travelling.” Kane says this time. I almost snicker. It appears Umber may be a little slow on the uptake, and I am not the only one to notice.

“It would take weeks to fix and longer for Linden to get back to full strength.” Marsh added. “If we delay leaving, it will reduce the amount of time prepping for winter at Glesall.”

“I don’t want to be too late getting there.” I add.

“Too late for what?” Rowan asks.

“I did not want to tell you like this, but I am pregnant.”

The whole group fell silent, taking in my news.

Marsh, Ethan, Arran and Mateo’s grins could split their face.

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