Sun Worship

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We followed the forest edge and ridge of mountains for a full day before making camp.

We climbed the ruins the following morning through a persistent drizzle. Spending two exhausting hours clambering up the slopes before we started to find a series of interconnected plateaus made of stone.

The ruins were overgrown with trees and bamboo thickets. The white granite stones covered in a blanket of moss.

By midday we settled on a plateau nestled next to a wall. It allowed us a large vantage point of the surrounding area and shelter from the biting wind.

Still unsettled by the creepiness of the previous village, we nervously awaited the return of the other males.

Felix and Luca immediately set off to patrol the surrounding area. I was encouraged to stay at the camp with the boys and Ethan, at least for the remainder of today.

Once the immediate area has been swept, I will be allowed to go exploring. I can't lie, as much as the excitement of finding and exploring was alluring, the threat and uncertainty of my safety overruled it. I was grateful just to snuggle up with the boys and prepare a meal for the remainder of the group.

The following morning, I was in desperate need of a distraction and managed to convince Alder, Felix and Luca to follow me as I examined the ruins nearby.

The polished dry stones, cut into blocks that fit together so tightly that no mortar held them together. Creating a great flight of beautifully constructed stone terraces.

One part housed a large granite rock with an elliptical shape built of stone.

The only structure with a round shape.

We discovered an entrance below this building that led to an underground cavern decorated with carved walls. Deciding it was too dark to explore without torches, we returned back to camp.

Returning to camp we find the others had caught up. Relief and concern overwhelmed me. It was only after I had carefully and meticulously checked their bodies for wounds, did I finally start to relax. Thankfully there were only a few cuts between them.

They had managed to deter the eight beastmen that had decided to follow us. Luring and distracting them to a different direction.

After a merry lunch we went to have a further look at the underground room. Umber, Arron, Thorne, Alder, Marsh and myself this time.

We lit the torches and found a smooth stone staircase that continued down into the mountain.

We followed the steps down into the chilly mountain, the sounds of our feet scuffing the stone as we descended.

We all came to an abrupt halt when presented with the choice of three doors.

Umber moves towards one of the doorways and continued. We each looked at one another and with a shrug quickly followed him.

For an hour we followed Umber's directions through the maze of walls and doors. The others kept looking about nervously. Arron started leaving a fine string of his silks so we could retrace our steps if needed.

We finally ceased our walking. In front of us was an intricately carved door. Pictures and emblems carved into its surface with such skill. Images of animals and faces interwoven in a radiating geometric pattern.

Umber once again takes the initiative and pushes the sun emblem. The door smoothly opens up to another chamber.

Small pools of liquid sit in recesses intermittently around the room. Upon further inspection, I decide it to be oil and light one with my torch. The others follow my lead and soon the room is softly lit up by orange flickering flames.

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