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Mateo has finally awoken. It took a few days for his hunger and activity to increase, but he is back to his usual vigour and enthusiastic self. Mateo has spent the last few weeks making up for lost time with the cubs. He is officially little man's best friend – well the food is, Mateo is the magician behind it all.

During this time, we have been making preparations and gathering supplies for the journey to the Citadel.

Alder and Ethan, our two 'scouts' have gone ahead. Taking as much as they can carry to the wolves, Linden and Kane. From there they will head north east to scout the potential sites. It has been narrowed down to three locations. Two with the foundations already in place, and one equidistant from surrounding villages that looks promising.

Other groups have expressed their willingness to join us to the Citadel. Their main reason is for protection in numbers.

Clay and six others form one group. Finlay's son, Leif, will be travelling with them. The members of this group are known to us, as they were with us making preparations for winter.

Dawn and her three males wish to join the convoy too. They were readily accepted into the convoy having already spent some time with our family and proven to be trust worthy.

McBurney, his assistant, Glen and several others form another group. We have mixed feelings about this group. It's not McBurney or Glen, it's the others travelling with them. We have been assured they are honourable, and their sights are set on the temple. Even with McBurney's reassurance, there is next to no time to assure their intents and purpose.

There is also another group, six males that are unknown to us. It's with definite apprehension that they are to join the convoy. They will be travelling to the Citadel either way, so at least we can keep an eye on them. So my mates tell me. I have only seen them from a distance, and they leave a lot to be desired.

With Alder and Ethan taking a lot of things with them we are still laden with 2 Carts. All loaded up with all that we will need. I did not realise how much stuff we had until I saw everyone else in the convoy only using 1 cart per group.

We have left some stuff behind. It is unreasonable to take everything, not everything is needed for travelling. Mostly furniture and items that are too bulky but can be remade elsewhere. I will certainly miss the bath.

It's such a relief to be going. It is with high hopes that this will lead us towards our forever home. Just one more pit stop on the way.

It has taken us two weeks of travel to get to the Citadel. During this time, I have been getting to know some of the others more, gather some fresh supplies and enjoy the fresh air.

Leif is a very likeable character. The cubs adore him and has some interesting ideas on how to educate them in their beast form. With communications strained, we can still work on their letter recognition, reading and maths. I thought he would be just like his father. He has proven to be far from it. He has no obsession with mating, no desires to gain power and a genuine wish to educate all. He does not appear to have a bad bone in his body, has the patience of a saint and such a forgiving demeanour.

It was not long into the journey that Clay voiced his concerns with the unknown males group. They were averse to share or converse with others. They have made crude and nasty comments about the 'lesser' beastmen and are generally unpleasant to be around. Patrols and guards were stepped up since then, and there have been very little interactions with them since. Every time one of them made a move towards Dawn and I, they were met with a wall of males.

Dawn and her three males have been like an extended part of the family. Her males are only a couple of years older than Ash and Flint. They are very impressionable and keen to learn. My males are only too happy to help, parting with their years of wisdom and experience.

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