Great Plans

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Winter is here once again.

I love the look of snow, I just can't tolerate the coldness. The crisp white snow covers everything. So serene and pure, even the sounds of nature seem quietened by its beauty. It lulls you in, making you forget just how deadly the cold can be, making you forget the concealed dangers it hides.

Retreating further into the cliff face, we have moved our bedroom to a freshly carved room at the back of the cave. There is a fireplace along the back wall, after expressing my concerns about smoke, it also has a chimney. Its flue curving up and out of the cliff face.

These males are so accommodating, it leaves me bewildered at times. I could ask for them to build me a castle, and they would simply ask where and do it.

The first room is now our living room. Initial perplexed as to why we needed the extra room, I simply expressed our need to have space to craft and exercise during the cold season. I don't want their lives to be about just me. I want them to have the space and time to explore what they enjoy too.

On the run up to the 'snow' season as they call it, we were so busy. On top of their prolific hunting, we have had a plentiful harvest of fruit and vegetables. A larger smoker, kiln and oven were also crafted by my loving males. They managed to create the extra storage house of the eastern edge too.

All this extra food and larger cooking appliances matches their larger appetite.

With limited access to the outside they have used this extra time to educate me further about this world.

The females go into season (period) once a year. Either in the spring or autumn and are only fertile for two weeks following it. My 13 periods a year initially makes them nervous. My increased fertility makes me more desirable by other males.

Despite our sexual appetite, I have still had my periods. Happy that we can still make plans for our great adventure without having to consider having new-borns with us, there is also a little sadness.

I had considered having children in the past, but until now I had not met the right person. I feel in my heart that Rowan and Ethan would make great fathers, and to have children with them would bring so much joy to our lives.

There are nearly always multiples in litters and clutches. If rowan and I had pups, the gestation period is 6 months. They would be born in their beast form, mature quickly and have the first transformation into the human form at around 3 years old. With Ethan I would birth eggs. Clutches of eggs gestate for 5 months, once birthed, the male would then incubate them for the final 1.5 months, rapidly growing in size. Again when they hatch they would be in their beast form and transform to their human form at 3 years old.

Besides the obvious different sexual organs, this is where the variances between females and males are more pronounced. The males will be able to transform into their beast form at will, and will start spending their time working towards their first stripe. Their first stripe will usually happen around their 5th year. At this point they are considered mature and are to find their female.

The females do not transform into their beast form, they remain in their human form for the rest of their life. They too are considered mature at the age of 5 when they have their first season.

To say I am shocked is an understatement. I try to explain about maturity and age of consent from my world. I find it disturbing that the female mate so young.

They go into detail about the rapid growth of their young. By our estimations, at their first shift they would appear to be around 9 earth years old, and at the age of maturity they would appear to be around 16 earth years old.

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