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Marsh’s POV 

The two that Alder has vouched for, Linden and Kane are a pair of wolves. Highly intelligent, caring, playful, and above all devoted to family. They have proved to be efficient and capable of handling the organisation of the workshops and ‘great adventure’. 

The two orphans that Linden and Kane have hired arrived as promised. They have both shifted into their human form for the first time just before winter, and by our world’s standards should be working towards their first stripe. They are keen and eager and have already settled into our family dynamic. 

Aurora refers to their work as an ‘apprenticeship’. She has shown great care for their welfare, insisting that they have time off to be children and not to burden them with too much work. 

The boys, Ash and Flint, are to shadow us for the next few weeks. During this time, they are to learn how we wish things to be cleaned, watered, and stored. Whilst we travel during the summer they must learn their letters, whilst taking our deliveries and making sure the plants are kept alive. 

The interviews for our expedition have begun. Linden and Kane will be accompanying us. The heterochromia male, called Thorne, a fox travelling to the first village, and two others have been invited so far. Alder has been conducting the interviews and has suggested that we also keep an eye out for any potential males at the competitions and workshops.  

I for one can’t wait to get out of this Citadel. I have seen how it has treated Aurora, and I am disgusted by it. Having spent so much of my life within its confines, I had not realised just how narrow-minded and power hungry the council is. 

Aurora has insisted that it does not bother her, but I see otherwise. The tiny facial expressions when the council is mentioned. The way she looks towards the tree line regularly when one of us has to visit the city centre. 

She is such a strong and talented female. In the short time I have known her, I have fallen deeply in love with her. Her smile lights up the room and her laughter is infectious. My flower is not short of affection and shows us at every moment with her touches, kisses and praise. I could not have asked for a better mate. 

Skin as soft and delicate like the petals on an amarys. (A rare and exotic plant that flowers once every three years.) Her soft mews and moans as I rub and massage her delectable body. 

The sound of cheering brings me out of my reverie. Aurora and I are sitting in the auditorium observing the second set of competitions. She sits between my legs, her back to my front. Ash sits near us, his attention is split between the auditorium and us. Aurora’s female companions are sitting nearby in their own family units. 

“It all seems a little too violent.” She utters to herself. If it wasn’t for my sensitive hearing, I may have missed it. 

“You do not need to worry for our family, flower. Today is for them to show their skills.” I place a small kiss to her temple. 

“There are other skills besides fighting.” She mumbles back. 

I chuckle at her response. “How would you suggest we show off these other skills?” 

“Well, when they said that Misty had the others racing her mate it got me thinking. But that was for when our family take on challengers.” Her rambling is cute. 

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