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Little Umber comes flying to me and starts his melodic chirping.

"How is my little Firestarter today?" I ask as I scratch his head.

His chirping is momentarily paused as he sneezes. Little burning embers radiate from him. Ash and Flint quickly put them out stopping the fire from catching.

The tiny phoenix gives me the ultimate puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, now now, Umber. It's okay." I hold my hands out to him. He slowly comes closer, eventually hopping into my waiting embrace.

He quickly snuggles up to my stomach cooing his delightful song.

"You know. When I was a very small child, I had two left feet." I muse. The little fire bird made a show of looking at both of my feet. "It is an idiom. It basically means I was very clumsy. And almost always fell over at the most embarrassing of times.

I was that clumsy that when we visited relatives, they used to put away their valuable and delicate ornaments."

"I bet you were adorable." Mateo says from the cooking fire.

"An adorable liability." I chuckle back.

I continue recalling embarrassing stories from my childhood whilst eating our food waiting for Ethan and Arron to return.

It has been a nice reprieve, having spent the entire day at our leisure. Catching up with one another and just generally reconnecting.

Those of us with more energy volunteer to forage or patrol, whilst the rest play games, practice with the instruments and catch up on sleep.

Ash and Marsh come up with a little ditty, and with the help of myself and Rowan start to put music to the lyrics. The song chronicles our adventures at the sun temple. The main character is Umber, and the little firebird delightfully provides us with an aerial display to show his gratitude.

Flint and Alder return from their foraging with a bag full of fruits and vegetables to go with our meals. Flint proudly shows off his collection of gemstones and flint (the stone). This then turned into a lesson on flint knapping, followed by Marsh, Ash, Emmet and Flint returning to the mountain stream to find more flint and suitable hammer stones.

The tools that they hope to create will be particularly useful for the boys and many other beastmen that do not have claws. Of course, Rowan is keen on learning how they can be used with his arrows, or as a general weapon.

Even though I am finding the travel difficult, and the journey so far has been a little unwelcoming. It is moments like these, where we share our ideas and work together, that I enjoy and appreciate our life. If we did not take on this journey, there would not have been this moment.

It's late in the evening when Ethan and Arron return.

The boys and Umber have retreated to their pallet. Luca and Felix are on patrol.

Marsh and Rowan come join us, quietly greeting the returning men.

"How was it?" I ask, checking them for visible signs of fighting.

"No one is following, we are safe for now. The next village is five days away. Are we planning to set off in the morning?" Ethan asks, his shoulders tense.

Rowan places his hand on Ethan's shoulder. "No, you need your rest too. Take a day. It will still be there, one more day won't hurt."

Ethan and Arron visibly sag in relief.

With their report over with I go to embrace each with a long hug. They both caress my stomach first. I don't mind at all.

Ethan kneels in front of me kissing my bump. "I do hope you have not been causing too much stress or exhausting your beautiful mother."

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