New Autumn

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We are doing the finishing touches for the festival.

It officially starts tomorrow, and I am so excited.

Since our return from Tophia, my mates have been particularly and tentatively restricting my activities and participation.

Doctors orders.

It is frustrating, but understandable. I lost consciousness at the fight with the wilds and remained unconscious for 2 days.

Ever since I have had an almost nervous feeling. Anticipation of something unexpected.

Their presence and attentiveness have soothed my nerves somewhat.

Despite the reduced workload, I still have not had much time to contemplate the dream involving Darian.

Our friends have arrived one after another. Clay's parents, Leif's father, Ivy, Sage, Rose, Misty and Darian. Not to mention the representatives of the cities that required a welcome all of their own.

Today is the first day in a while where there were no social obligations.

This is the very last chore to be done. My mates, Ethan and Alder are bringing in the last of the ice. Marsh at my side, and Thorne has been a constant.

It was agreed that Tophia will have the exclusivity of trading sorbets and ice-cream. We were to supply the ice and store it in a room below their 'shop'. Two people have already arrived from Tophia, bringing in the fresh fruit. They have been busying themselves arranging and preparing as the ice was brought in throughout the day.

With the last of the ice delivered Marsh, Thorne, Ethan, Alder and I decided on a leisurely stroll around the early traders.

Most traders are waiting for the grand opening tomorrow. There were some already open with small selections available, saving the best items for tomorrow.

As we amble along, Emmet and Arron join us bringing with them our offering to the temple.

The excitement is contagious as talk of the chariot races take centre stage. Word has spread further than we had anticipated, and at the last count there were 12 teams. This led to a few changes in the schedule, including additional races and different tracks being hastily constructed.

The familiar form of Raine came bounding up to us. His smile is infectious, and following an energetic greeting from Ethan, Alder and surprisingly Thorne, he was introduced to Marsh, Emmet and Arron.

"You are positively glowing." He says as he gives me a tentative hug. A quiet rumble from Thorne makes him quickly break away.

I look to my assembled males. I have grown used to Thorne's rumbles, and he has managed to temper his responses. March looks contemplative, Emmet a little shy and withdrawn. Arron though, there is a twinkle in his eye.

"It is good to see you too." I reply honestly. I discreetly check out his clothes. He has woven some silk and made a toga. Peacock feathers decorating it on the shoulders and waist.

I was not as discreet as I wished, as he asked "How has your foray with the silk come along?"

With a sigh, I reply. "We have not had much time to do more than store the used cocoons. The live ones we are allowing to hatch. Our gardener has managed to source some mulberry bushes in attempted to recreate their habitat."

"They survived?" Raine asked shocked.

"Amazingly, yes. Would you like to see what we have done?" I ask him.

"If it is ok with you, I would like to stay a little after the games. Perhaps you could give me a tour of this beautiful city when there is more time?"

The last few months have seen this village grow, I have stopped correcting people when they referred to it as a city.

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