Aerial Skills

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Several loose strands of hair escape my braid, whipping in the wind as we soar ever closer to home. With nothing holding us in Tophia, we started our journey back a day earlier than planned.

We are all eager to get back to our home and family.

I spread my arms wide, mimicking the movements of Thornes wings. Imagining what it would feel like to fly on my own. Would I be gliding as his dragon, would I ever get the nerve to do a barrel roll, or maybe even fold my wings in and free fall to the ground.

Thorne's ears twitch.

He suddenly drops altitude, causing me to hold tight to the harness. He evens out just above the trees.

Rowan get close on the back of Ethan's eagle. "Aurora, make sure you are strapped in tight." He shouts just loud enough to be heard over the wind.

"Why, what is happening?" I ask and look around in alarm.

Rowan glances behind us. "There are some crow beast men shadowing us. We do not know their intentions, but as a precaution, we want to make sure you are safe if any evasive manoeuvres are to be made."

I hastily double then triple check the harness, making sure each knot was secure. There was tension within the group as we kept travelling towards home in silence.

Soon the familiar outcrop where we camped came into view.

Rowan speaks up as we get closer. "Aurora, we are going to land one by one as the other two keep circling. I will go first, then yourself and finally Clay." I nod back. "Thorne will not land, so you will need to jump into my arms."

As much as I trust my males, the thought of voluntarily jumping from a moving beastman, whilst in flight terrifies me.

"Are you ok, my love?" He asks tenderly.

"Y... yes." They would not ask me to do anything that could endanger my life. "Yes." I say more sure.

"We will not let any harm come to you." He says as if reading my mind.

I smile at that. Returning my smile, he begins to make his descent as myself and Clay continue circling above.

Rowan made his dismount with ease. He made it look so easy, the last of my nerves dissipated.

When it came to my turn, Thorne slowed down. I jumped from Thornes back with a squeal of excitement.

I looked back to where the crows were. They appeared to have kept their distance. Strange.

With the land lovers safely on the ground, the three fliers went to take a closer look.

"If they were going to attack, wouldn't they have tried to conceal themselves better?" I ask Rowan as all three of us stand side by side, watching our males get closer.

Rowan hums. "Possibly. I am curious as to their intentions."

The figures all descend to the ground. They are just far enough away that we can't make out what is going on.

"Can you see what is happening?" Clay asks.

Rowan narrates what he can see. "The crows have transformed into their human form.

Ethan has transferred into his human form and is talking to them.

It appears he is laughing.

Thorne and Alder have left the group left the group and are flying back."

In a matter of minutes, they have made their way to us and transformed into their human form.

"What was said brothers?" Rowan asks the smiling men as they secure their loin cloths.

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