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Over the course of the next month we construct a sturdy shelter for them. Rowan squares my cave giving me more room to set up a study area for them, and more storage space. My initial concern about food is unwarranted as they are prolific hunter gatherers.

With the exchange of knowledge between ourselves, I have plenty of resources to craft. Plenty of furs and leather. A sturdy smoker, more varieties of fruit, nuts and meat to eat and process. We are keen to use every part of the animal, meat, bones, fat, antlers and sinew to name a few. Rowan is keen to attempt smoking his version of a sausage using these bits too.

Their reading and writing is coming on leaps and bounds. Ethan on particular is a very fast learner. As per my request he often comes back with sketches of the surrounding land done with charcoal on leather. Rowan then uses Ethan's maps to plan expeditions and set traps, so he can spend more time here.

We are starting to get into a routine. It starts with us discussing our plans for the day over a shared breakfast. Then as a group we do some stretching and light exercises. I wouldn't be surprised to find Rowan building his own weights and gym equipment soon. I already caught him practicing Bojutsu using the staffs we created.

Following our warmups, we spend the rest of the morning tending to the land. Harvesting eggs, any fruit and vegetables we have planted. Gathering meat from traps and resetting them. They boys take it in turns to patrol the area, often hunting larger prey further away.

After a mid day meal, we process any large prey brough back, then start studying. We alternate between, reading writing and maths, improving or building new items, preserving food for winter, and exploring the interest of the day.

After the evening meal we sit around the fire exchanging stories. After hearing about music and song, they eventually persuaded me to sing a couple of songs for them. Knowing that they may take the song literally or not understand some of the words, for each song I gave a brief introduction explaining the meanings and interpretations. Initially embarrassed, I started to enjoy singing to them, not once did they criticise, they seemed captivated, and had limit them to two songs per evening.

It was not all sunshine and roses.

They told me stories of the wild beastmen that can roam the forests. I don't know if it is because these stories are true life and not far removed from my current reality, but they terrified me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy horror movies. With the help of the internet I was able to indulge in some pretty ghastly films.

But those stories frightened me to my core. These atrocities had been happening near here. At any point in the last year it could have been me. If I had ventured further from this home I would have been in the direct path of such wild beast men. It could have been me raped, tortured, mutilated, or brutally murdered.

I may not be an easy target, but having these strapping, burley men speak with such ardour and concern, put the fear of god in me.

After a few days of constantly being alert and on guard, I am not ashamed to say that, I more than willingly accepted their protection and boundaries:

1. I was not to cross the river/bathe unless either one of them was with me to stand guard.

2. I had to inform either of them what and where I intended to do that day. If plans change, I was to inform them immediately.

3. I was not to interfere with their patrols or any safety measures they put into place.

4. If they use the code word "red" I was to do exactly as they said, no questions asked.

It may sound controlling and domineering, but all I felt was comfort and security. I did not notice them as I went about my daily chores, tending the 'allotment' or chickens. With just the knowledge that they were close was enough to set my mind at ease.

Rowan had left two days ago on a patrol, and I was starting to worry for his safety.

I was so concerned that I could not concentrate on my chores. Just a simple job of weeding between the rows of root vegetables took twice as long as usual.

My mind kept drifting to different scenarios that could have befallen him.

He is a capable beast, he has four marks. What if they also had four marks, what if he was outnumbered? Just how does he fight in his beast form? Does it compare to Rowan's snow leopard form?

What if it wasn't a wild beast that he encountered? He may have fallen, hurt himself or got trapped.

"What has you so distracted, little one?" Rowans velety voice startles me from my musing, causing me to squeak in surprise.

"It's Ethan, I am worried for him." Just saying it out loud caused a wave of nausea to hit me. I plonk down, trying to steady my breathing, trying to calm this nausea.

Rowan's large hand gently rests on my shoulder. I look into those mesmerising blue eyes, a feeling of calm coming over me.

"Do not fear for him, he is one of the best beast that I know."

"What if he has encountered some wild beastmen, or what if he is hurt?" I start to feel the panic rise once more.

"Oh little one, it is endearing to hear you care so much for his safety. Perhaps we should have explained a little more before he set off." Rowan sits gracefully in front of me and takes one of my hands in a soothing gesture"

"I am sorry we have caused you distress. We should have told you that he would be gone for a longer period of time. He has a contact at the citadel he has gone to meet."

"this Citadel, is it far, will his journey be safe?"

"He is a flying beast man, the journey will take him a day. As he will be in flight for the journey he will avoid any obstacles from the ground."

I am not quite convinced, and Rowan can see this. His hand gently cups my face, his thumb stroking my cheek.

"I assure you that he will be safe, little one."

I loose all train of thought as I look into his eyes.

"He is agile, fast and smart. I promise you that he will be ok."

For just a moment Rowan's forehead rests against mine. Our breath mingles as I close my eyes.

One quick peck to the lips and his sudden departure jolts me back to reality. He stands abruptly and offers me his hand.

"Now, how about we go for a swim whilst we wait for his return?"

And just like that, all thoughts of Ethan's possible demise left me as thoughts of this adonis' body all wet and glistening filled my dirty little mind.

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