New Beginnings

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I can't believe my luck.

This's a dream come true.

When my father suggested joining this family, I had my misgivings. It was to be another year of travel, another opportunity to learn from another 'influential' family.

For the past three years, he has shipped me off to the other major cities.

Political partnerships, nefarious undertakings, scandals rumours and opportune situations. You name it, I was to learn it.

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy most of my travels and schooling. The locations have some beautiful redeeming qualities unique to themselves. But it was becoming tedious.

The same grasping for power, the same collectives greedily and selfishly holding onto anything of worth.

Not here though.

The males are friendly, welcoming and proactive. The three females are genuine, approachable and enthusiastic.

Everyone is open and willing to share their experiences. Willing to share their hard earned knowledge without expecting recompense.

There is so much more to this village than what can be seen.

This growth and wealth of knowledge is just starting to sprout. I foresee a bright and prosperous future for all.

Somehow I know that this it just a small part of it. The foundations, a starting point, to what can become a perfect city.

A Utopia.

In just three short weeks there has been so much progress. The harmony and fluidity in the way the community functions is liberating. No one goes hungry, everyone has a shelter. As they explained on the first day, we each have worth, we just need to find it.

Aurora, well, besides being the most beautiful person I have ever met. She is the soul of this community. The way she talks, interacts and contributes fuels and ignites the same compassion in others. She treats everyone as her equal. She will take an interest in you, listen to you.

An idol, a queen.

Those that were at the camp following the eruption tell tales of how she stood up and took charge. They likened her to a queen.

I may not have a place as her mate, but I don't mind. I think I have found my family. This community is my family.

This basecamp is a continuous flurry of activity. Yet, there is organisation within the chaos. Different areas, sections dedicated to different aspects.

The temporary housing remains at base of pinnacle. Potential housing locations are being cleared, the females wishing to stay near each other. Something about the views, fresh running water and possible interior expansion into the cliff. The rocks that will be cut out are to be reused within the village.

Food is always available, always delicious. That area is Mateo's domain. He does have a couple of people helping him, but all of the dishes and culinary creations are his own. A dining area with low tables was soon created nearby. Breakfast and evening meals being the most popular, and most social.

With all of the exploring, a large detailed map began construction. Sections carved or added to as they are explored. It is utterly mesmerising to see such a large landscape in miniature form.

The storage area is rapidly filling. Early fruit, foraged items, furs, baskets, rope amongst the items stored. Surrounding it, creating natural shelves and protection from the elements are stone slabs and wood.

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