Caught in a web

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I remember the first time I saw her. A brief bright light drew my attention from my slumber high up in the trees. I could not see what it was from here, and despite my better judgement, I snuck closer.

What I found was chaos in the form of an unconscious female. How she got here, I have no idea. I have been in this area since the snowy season, I would have noticed her wandering before now.

She wore strange furs, besides her were bags made of equally unfamiliar furs.

Curiosity got the better of me, I just had to get closer.

The bags and clothing were not furs; they were not grass weavings either. I had never seen anything like it before. Soft, supple and sturdy. Quite remarkable.

I have to admit she is quite the beauty to look at. But looks can be deceiving. Females bring nothing but pain and misery, reflecting their dark and twisted heart. Fickle and vain creatures full of greed and hate. And the men that devote themselves to worshiping at their feet are nothing but fools, bending to the will of such evil.

My claws extended, ready to end the creature in front of me, but hesitated as she stirred.

I do not know what stayed my hand that day, still unsure as to whether it was a good or bad decision on my part.

Retreating from her side I watched in curiosity as she took charge of the situation. She did not call for her males, she did not wait for assistance.

Intrigued by this strange behaviour I continued to watch.

I continued to watch as she wandered the forest.

I continued to watch as she built shelters.

I continued to watch as she built traps.

I continued to watch as she talked to herself.

I continued to watch, and every time, fell closer into her web.

Given my hatred for the beasts of this world, I am surprised and appalled at my actions following her.

Here was a female that defied all previous definitions. The more I watched the more curious I became.

Is it a ruse? A lure to attract the males into her web of lies and deceit.

I will not fall for this. I see it for what it is. A trap.

So, I continued to watch. If this is a new technique used to lure unsuspecting males to their downfall, I will learn all I can.

When she made her home stead, I was there too. She created remarkable and intriguing contraptions that I almost felt privileged to witness.

When she gained her first mark, I was troubled. Realising I needed to gain more control over her, I let my beast go on a rampage. I allowed him to reduce her opportunities to gain another. No female should ever gain marks. By the time my beast was done, there were no wild beastmen near here to test herself against, no large animals for her to refine her skills against.

When other wild beastmen started to get closer to her home, I did not think twice in despatching them. But not out of concern for her safety.

But I could not help wondering what she would do next. Just how much she would dedicate to her evil plan.

I wanted to continue watching. To see what she would produce next. To see when she would cave in, to see what it would take for he to reveal her true colours.

As an experiment of sorts. I allowed the two males to approach her, to see how she would react. To see if they can ignite that maliciousness, to prove once and for that all females are evil.

So far it has only ignited her ingenuity.

Time will tell, one day she will slip up.

Out of frustration at nearly being caught by that griffin, I found myself watching her bathe. I was a lot closer than usual.

I am caught short when I noticed her male's marks. They are on her heart.

It's not possible. Females do not care for their males, let alone love them.

I feel my control slip on my aura. Instantly she pauses. This is it. This is the moment she slips up, this is the moment she reveals her true darkness.

The moment I can finally cleanse this world of her foul soul.

What in the...

She just continues bathing. Cleansing that delicious body of hers.

Delicious? What's wrong with me?

She gets out and looks straight at me.

I am caught in her web. Unable to move away from her pale blue eyes. Holding me captive.

Pale blue eyes that hold such vulnerability and yet such strength. The juxtaposition reaching deep into my soul. Such differing emotions that mirror my own.

She turns away, walking back towards her awaiting males.

The emptiness she left me feeling makes me feel vulnerable. Weak and shocked.

I was caught in her web, yet she cut me free?

Just what kind of female is she?

Stupefied I just stand here.

The snow leopards scent hit me before I see him. Quickly controlling my aura, I merge back into the shadows.

He looks straight at me, bows and walks away. That snow leopard is more perceptive than I realised. As he leaves, he looks over his shoulder and nods once more.

Keeping myself hidden I follow.

I find a niche that offers cover close enough to overhear their conversation.

'I am sorry for the way I reacted'

She apologised to them? There is such honesty in her voice, it's confusing. Causing my emotions to clash. It makes me want to believe her, but at the same time truly find it hard to believe.

'...By just one unknown beastman...'

So, they are aware of me; the cats out the bag. These males are smarter than I thought.

'...what is the most appropriate way to thank a beastman...'

Is she that naive? Does she know nothing? What kind of game is she playing?

Thank me? Yeah right. Just wait until you find out what I truly want to do to you.

'....can we build a shelter on the east side...'

Shelter on their eastern territory. If it's similar to the other one, it will be of a high standard. A simple oven and bed maybe.

It would certainly be better than the shelter I used last snowy season.

Can she really be that nice?

No. It can't be. They are all the same.

It would not hurt to take advantage over the snowy season. Doesn't mean anything to me.

Oh my... even her moans have been perfected to lure men in.

Maybe that's how she gets them to do her bidding.

Letting them suck on those supple breasts... my groin twitches with a particularly loud moan from those delectable lips. Lips that would look so good wrapped-

Losing my footing I am woken from the twisted dream she is weaving in my mind.

I have to force myself to walk away before my body can further betray my mind.

I feed disgusted with myself when I became aroused at the sound of her moans.

I am angry with myself.

I knew it was a trap, yet I fell into it anyway.

I got stuck in her web.

I thought I was the one in control, whereas she was, all the time.

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