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The huts we were allocated are indeed quite spacious. Large round houses made of wattle and daub, crowned with a straw roof. The roomy huts have ample space for our belongings and enough space for several beds.

It did not take us long to get situated, and after a short respite and snack we made our way to the festival.

The festival is as jovial as promised. It was very easy to find, the noise could be heard from a distance.

Bella and Buck insisted that we sat near them to view the entertainment.

It was awe inspiring.

The community has such good spirits, there is no bad sportsmanship. Every competitor is celebrated, and every event rejoiced.

There were acrobatic displays of cartwheels, handsprings, and even a few somersaults.

Extravagant assault courses including balance beams, balance boards, parkour, jumping over, through and under obstacles.

Races of different lengths with mixtures of high, low and long jumps.

There are even feats of endurance and strength including the longest handstands, most amount of pull ups, and a form of weightlifting with huge boulders.

Half of my men take part, even the boys. Despite never meeting these other beast men before, everyone was greeted warmly and congratulated for taking part. New friendships were formed over their shared enthusiasm of the events.

Mateo and Marsh stay next to me throughout the festival. Cheering our guys on and devotedly congratulating all competitors.

Buck did not compete but is still very animated in his joy.

Marsh has spent half the afternoon speaking with him about the chariot races. In return Buck is very spirited and is eager to get a couple of teams himself.

I have never met someone who has such love and interest to involve the children in activities. He is a walking advertisement for UNICEF.

Within the space of an hour (and our help) Buck has also introduced 3-legged race, egg and spoon race and relay for the kids to partake in.

Even though I did not partake in the events, by the time the sun was setting I was still buzzing.

We retire to our huts and start moving the furs together to create a large pallet allowing all of us to sleep together.

Rowan seems a little distant.

I hug him from behind, wrapping my arms around that perfectly sculptured body.

I place a kiss on his back. "What are you thinking about, my Adonis?"

He turns, so I am now faced with his smiling face and sculpted chest. "Honestly, how I can incorporate any of that into my training, or even still, how to set it up for next year's spring festival competitions at the Citadel."

I let out a small hum trying to seem interested. It's not the topic, but the location I have issues with. The others chuckle.

Ethan takes my hand and directs me to the centre of the hut. "I know how you feel." He says. "I wish we could incorporate checkers. It just doesn't seem in fitting though." He trails his fingers along the edge of my top, enticing goosebumps to form on my skin.

Marsh approaches, trailing his fingers up my arm. "Yes, I know what you mean, it would be nice to be able to assess more than just the physical aspects." He moves my clothing out of the way to place a kiss on my collarbone.

"We could always do your own festival." Arron states as stands directly in front of me, staring lustfully into my eyes.

Ethan moves away, only to be replaced by Rowan. "I don't think that the citadel would approve." Rowan mutters into my neck as he unties my tops, letting it fall to the floor.

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