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This week has flown by.

As the trade items have garnered a lot of interest, we have had to stick to a set routine. We have sold out of the soaps, and we have limited the production of clothing and accessories. Both have been popular with the males wishing to curry favour with the females. The demand for food has been just as overwhelming.

There has been so much interest in the food, and we have had to limit it to one serving per customer, with several signing up for workshops at the end of the festival. Despite having the ingredients, many are not confident in the processes.

The routine starts with both males doing their exercise just as the sun rises.

There are around a dozen males that have started joining Rowan in his daily exercise routine. It is mostly guards and the heterochromia guy from the temple. They keep it to the southern edge of our land, where he can keep a watchful eye on the house, aka me.

Ethan then heads off to start his day at the market stall, whilst Rowan and I go foraging. Marsh has been joining us every day and has volunteered to watch me whilst they swap between our home and the stall.

Marsh's assistance has been much needed and beneficial, as my mates can also hunt whilst I am being babysat.

Not that I mind, Marsh has been excellent company. He has been educating me on the herbs of this land and their medicinal uses. A lot are very similar to the ones on Earth, just with different names. He is fascinated with their culinary use, and quite often asks me which meat dish they are used for.

Marsh has also learnt the process of making soap and has been very influential in the procuring and addition of fragrances to the new batches. He has also been very instrumental in the clay pots and bottles that would be useful for healers.

It goes without saying that both Rowan and Ethan have already given me the go ahead, I just need to put on my big girl pants and ask him to be my mate. He has a domineering presence. His instructions are clear and precise, leaving no room for misinterpretation. His calming presence and pleasant bedside manner make it easy to relax around him.

In the afternoons, whilst Rowan is at the market and Marsh has left to attend to his duties, Ethan and I process the meat and prepare what we can for tomorrow's market. Smoking meat, preparing soaps, clay pots, sorting herbs and food to sell the following day.

Late afternoon when we are all home and fed, we relax and enjoy each other's company. Having the space to make noise, the boys have been playing with their remade games until the sun sets.

Whilst they enjoy their entertainment, I sit near them and peruse what Ethan has been bringing back from the market. We have accumulated crystals and 'traded' items from the sale of our goods. He has also brought wool, honey, rice, salt, and various furs.

Tomorrow is a day of rest, so we do not have to prepare anything to trade for tomorrow. I am on my way with Ethan for my first visit to the market. Eager and optimistic to view what is available, I have Ethan carrying baskets to carry our purchases.

Our journey is a little slower today, as I am not sitting astride Rowan. He is waiting for us at the market.

My mind keeps returning to Marsh.

I have asked Marsh join us cooking later today, my plan is to ask him to be my mate. I am nervous and excited. Will he refuse me? Do I tell him before hand of my origins? It seems only fair. We will also need to outline our grand adventure to him. What if we tell him, and he decides I am too much hassle? What if he rejects me?

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