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It was early morning, the sun not long risen.

Rowan and Alder wished to be active during the tour, so we all walked around.

Warden, his mate Juniper and four males escorted us around the city.

Darian also joined us. The tall white haired male kept that stoic expression on his face. The only show of emotion was the occasional twinkle in his eyes.

The citizens of Tophia are cordial and happy. The level of respect towards each other was staggering.

Warden explained that despite the calm warm weather we are experiencing right now, the area is prone to some vicious storms. During the summer they can receive several sand storms. They come from the desert way out east and last for several days at a time.

The extreme temperature changes on the run up to winter cause some nasty down pours to hit the land. Further isolating the people to their homes.

The spring, even though the rain is not as intense, is prone to flash flooding. The flood waters coming from the mountains either side of them.

To limit the impact on their homes, the buildings on the outer edge are built into the ground with a wall or embankment around them.

Since much of their time is spend isolated in their own homes, when the weather is pleasant, they like to socialise.

We head towards the eastern fringe of the city. Here some of the oldest buildings remain. It is also where you can easily see the land formations and preparations the residents make to offset the weather.

Warden stops at one of the smaller houses. After a brief conversation with its residents we are ushered closer and encouraged to inspect the building.

The small building is indeed sunken with an embankment around it. The walls are made up of the same sandy soil of the ground, repairs evident from its years of use.

Juniper, Wardens mate approaches me. "I heard that you were not feeling too well. I have brought our head healer just in case." She indicated to one of the men escorting us.

"There is no need, I am pretty sure it's the heat." I concede.

"It can get a bit too much. Hopefully you shall find some relief in the forests tomorrow." She places a gentle hand on mine. Her concern seems genuine in her soft eyes.

"Will you be joining us tomorrow?" I ask.

"Not tomorrow, I have prior engagements. If you are up for company, I can come see you the day after?"

"I would like that." I reply. The female has an easy and carefree aura about her, and I find myself eager to spend more time with her.

Warden joins us, the look of adoration he gives his female has me smiling from ear to ear.

"I do not mean to sound rude nor ignorant, is there any reason there are so few trees within the city?" I ask the male.

"As you can see, there are very few plants that can survive such a climate. There have been a few attempts in the past to grow trees, but they do not survive the extreme weather."

I am racking my brains to think of trees that may be suitable for these conditions. "Ginkgo's with their fan shaped leaves." I begin mumbling to myself. "The evergreen eucalyptus, very tall, but both not tolerant of the cold. They would need protecting with a cover during the winter, and maybe trenches to stop them from being over watered."

I reach down and grab the soil, letting the dry sandy substrate run through my fingers. "Sandy, quite salty with very little soil or nutrients, nothing to retain water.

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