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The weather in the past two weeks has been a lot wetter and is threatening to accumulate in a ferocious storm. Wild winds regularly sweep in bringing colder temperatures with it.

Whilst movement between buildings is possible, we have restricted it to only necessary tasks until the storm has passed.

Thankfully all of the building work has been completed. As added security extra storage space has been created and its entrance has been hidden behind a cleverly crafted trap door. As an extra safety measure a 'panic room' has also been cut into the foundations of the workshop and main house.

The hidden lift and stairs to the beach are almost finished and are cleverly concealed behind some rocky formations.

There have been alterations and negotiations to the smuggling. There is an active smuggler called Finlay here already and is being quite persistent on teaming up. It appears that Finlay is not just smuggling but is leading an uprising against the current rule.

Although reluctant to get involved, it is with his help that we have managed to acquire wool. The large batch has been washed and prepped. And as part of the arrangement a few beastmen and their female have joined us to learn how to prepare it and knit. The only positive side of their visit were their four children that spent time with Ash and Flint.

As much as they offered some entertainment with the boys, it was grating.

The female, although interested in the techniques taught, was quite stand offish. Often pushing and overly criticising her male's attempts, despite not attempting anything herself.

Her children were well mannered, and it was obvious she had no interest in their wellbeing, and the males were doing most of the raising.

Thanks to someone's genius idea of creating extra living space above the workshop for visiting families, some of us were allowed to escape from that family.

They had finally left yesterday after securing a home for the winter.

With the building being completed, the men have been able to refocus on other tasks. We have recreated the flour milling stone, the flute is almost finished, and we have started designing a guitar.

I say 'we' loosely. I am a whale. It takes so much effort and energy to move, and most tasks are not practical with this pregnant belly. There is always someone nearby, as soon as the babies start kicking there is a hand there, feeling and soothing. Every kick is felt by someone, night and day.

The storm hit us late afternoon and continued its assault overnight and into the early hours. Flint and Ash were terrified.

They join us in our bed, and together we count between the lightning and thunder. Between rumbles I tell them a story of a brave and courageous thunder bird that fought the evil spirits in the skies. The thunder is the sound of his wings and the lightning came from his eyes.

The storm eventually passed, the boys and I passed out from exhaustion long before the final rumbles were heard.

The following lunchtime I was carried to a seat just outside to make the most of the glorious day. It was finally sunny, but still chilly. Swaddled in furs I sipped on a hot herbal tea watching everyone mill about.

Umber was curled up on my lap asleep. He has been quite clingy of late and likes to swaddle my stomach with his warmth. I do not mind one bit.

Alder returns from collecting our delivery. We received word that there was a package waiting with the guards from the city of Woodside. With all of the excitement of the past few months I had forgotten about the pieces I had commissioned.

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