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following a couple of comments- skittles is a form of bowling.*

Given the requirements and restriction set in place by our trading plan, we have created a modest selection of wares.

Ethan has been advising me on my crafted items. The more practical items have bene tailored towards the males. Preferably cheap, sturdy and have a purpose. The females can be quite superficial. So for them it is elaborate, decorative one-off items have been created.

Ethan has a meticulous eye for detail, and has carved such exquisite detail into several boxes used to contain a selection of ‘female’ products. Scented soaps, delicate combs, stunning jewellery sets and exquisite hair pins. There are also smaller boxes each containing seeds, herbs and beads. He has also helped to create a few sets of clothing from the fine leather. Their style so different but not drastically.

Rowan, the ever practical one, has helped me create clothing and bags that are both functional and decorative for the male population. He has often been my model and guinea pig. Along with refining some of the innovations; the bow and arrows he has created are more sturdy and suitable for beastmen. The oven plans are larger to accommodate their larger appetite, with extra spaces for multiple meals to be cooked all at once. A stone age range.

Remaining optimistic about the possibility of gaining the council’s favour, we have also created 9 boxes for each of the elders. Each box will has a sample of the new and innovative products and ideas. To add a little boost to their ego, we have also engraved each lid with an emblem that represents their beast.

With little else left to create, my creative side is beginning to run rampant.

We had been so busy creating practical items, my mind wondered about entertainment? With a little explanation from myself, the boys were keen to contribute in the creation of specific pieces.

During the last few weeks of the snow season I have been introducing them to four types of entertainment.

The first to be introduced was checkers. They watch avidly as I set the board up for checkers. With a brief run over with the rules and a few ‘practice’ matches against myself, it became one of their favourite. It also became the most competitive.

It quickly became apparent that new rules and restrictions needed to be introduced.

There will be no raised voices, no taunting and no insulting comments.

All pieces are to be kept with the board, and will not be used as projectiles and/or weapons.

There will only be three games per evening.

Tantrums and poor behaviour will not be tolerated.

Drums were the next form of entertainment to be introduced.

Besides inducing headaches it was worth it. They were so full of joy for having a means of creative expression. We had crafted three different sizes, creating three different tones.

Starting with a simple steady beat, two beats and then four beats, we managed to add singing a couple of nursey rhymes. Row, row, row your boat, twinkle twinkle and the itsy bitsy spider.

The drums were slightly too harsh on their sensitive ears so we ended up muffling them with furs and eventually moving on to using sticks to beat out a rhythm on other surfaces.

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