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Thorne is still uneasy about exposing his dragon form so we land just outside the city of Glesall and start our approach. We have decided to take our belongings with us, there is something about this situation that does not sit right, and we don't want to leave anything to chance.

We get stopped by guards at the entrance. There is an entrance fee is to be paid. The more marks you have the smaller the fee.

We look at each other and show them our marks. This is new, I have never heard of an entrance fee to any city before. I wonder just what else has changed since I was last here.

They take their time rummaging through our belongings. Not finding anything of interest they leave it strewn about and dismiss us.

We walk to my small home in silence to discuss our plan of action. In our haste to get here, we did not make any detailed plans. Just to arrive and assess.

Instead of the bright vibrant city I loved, it was dark and gloomy. It matched the dreary weather. Grey and miserable.

Rubbish and dirt clung to the streets. People just as dirty hung around in the shadows, their rugged and tattered belongings held close to their bodies. Frightened and guarded glares look about wearily.

The eerie part was the quietness. Long gone was the laughter and chatter. Just the shuffling of feet and the occasional whispered words. Guards walking about, ignoring the pleas for help. Harassing here and there.

It was not long before we started to see evidence of the fire. The scent of fire and ash hangs heavy in the air and clings to our skin.

The buildings and surroundings charred by the flames, blackened and cracked with the heat. In some places the ashes were still smouldering.

As we take a few more turns towards my home, the destruction dissipates. I release a breath I didn't realise I was holding. From the outside it appears to be unaffected.

My tiny home is situated out of the way, in a slightly inaccessible part of the city. Much of the area surrounding it is made up of large sharp boulders that you need to climb over.

I am thanking my choices of home. By choosing something separated from the bustle of the city may not be to everyone's liking, it has saved it from the fire.

We cautiously open the door. Thorne rushes past me to pin a beastman up against the wall.

I look around, knowing that Thorne is capable of tending to the intruder. It is a mess. What little organisation I once had was useless. Someone had gone through my things looking for anything useful. Some of the relics and tablets had been broken in their search. I groan inwardly. They were irreplaceable. Whilst they were not smashed into unrecognisable pieces, they could still be read.

"Please don't hurt me." The beastman whimpers. I recognised that voice.

I walk over to Thorne and place my hand on his shoulder. When I get his attention I signal him to release the man.

The middle-aged beastman slumps to the floor. "I am sorry, I just needed somewhere to rest."

I recognise him. A two striped sheep beastman. Usually jovial, and had a bit of an obsession with the rocks in this area.

"Why are you here, and not in your own home?" I ask.

"I don't have a home anymore. Those that had their homes burned have taken over ours. They kicked us out." He spits out with hatred. I know it is not aimed at us so I let it pass. Thorne still bristles though.

"What are the lords doing about it?" I ask. I know a couple of them, they are decent beast men and would not have unhoused people without a reason.

"Nothing. They won't see us." The anger is still in his voice, just not as evident. It may have something to do with Thornes glare.

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